Fantastic Idea! Choose the recipe of the type you want.
Let’s keep that topic out of the suggestion thread please.
Now for the output of rock it would have to be equal to the sand output so would it just be the reverse recipe?
Rock to gravel
Gravel to sand
It would just be reversed right so 20 sand bulk would equal 16 gravel?
This would even open up new colors of gravel and rock to be used for blocks
For the type of rock make it selectable. Same ingredients different output like plain glass /Glass pane
Hi @RedY3
I suggest we get this recipe with glue or bonding agents.
Hold your torches and pitchforks
runs for life
All jokes aside, sounds like a useful recipe. Finally Bob suggests something good.
I suggest we throw @RedY3 into the TNT volcano
Confused me for a moment. I had to tell myself how did this happen i didnt even post it yet. What a sneaky bobs you are
And then James clicks the red button to launch the new sovereign worlds update!
@RedY3 sacrifice being a patch requirement confirmed.
Hey buddy, which planet you on right now? We just want to come say hi…
I believed that for a moment. Sneaky Peyago too