Since we can turn rock to gravel then to sand with combustion. Allow us to turn sand to gravel then to rock with kindling.
Wouldn’t it make sense to use combustion particles since that’s what we use to make rock into sand and or gravel?
I’m good either way lol. Figured since combustion breaks it down we would use kindling to bring it back together? Maybe even bonding agent lol
no bonding agent for the love of god… combustion is easier to obtain
Bonding agent it is, daone approved.
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wait what… i didn’t approve anything… I went against it dammit lol
They just need to let us put a compactor in ANOTHER compactor to make sure its all crushed together… #Stucktogether
180 sand + 9 EBA + 18 comb. + 20000 spark + 1500 power = 1 gravel
360 gravel + 18 SEBA + 36 comb. + 40000 spark + 3000 power = 1 rock
on a serious note though - what kind of rock should we get from that gravel we put?
maybe find 3 different additional ingredients, each leading to a different rock type?
I actually didn’t think of the type of rock it would put out. Good point. I’m at a lose on that one. Maybe you have to include one type of the kinda of rock you want. Color having no effect of course.
It could just make the rock (Let’s say always makes it into meta) and if wanted a certain kind of rock you can chisel change that to the type you wanted?
thought of that first, but wasn’t too happy about the idea
maybe I did too much chisel transforming last few weeks lol
I’ll just say ancient essence includes some time magic or something, so if I want to add time, I use that.
5 Sand & 1 bonding agent in compactor -> 2 gravel
2 Sand & 2 ancient essence in compactor -> 1 sedimentary
1 Gravel & 1 sand & 1 ancient essence & 1 bonding agent in compactor -> metamorphic (color from gravel)
2 gravel & 2 ancient essence in furnace -> igneous
Think that breaks the rules.
I wouldn’t script/bot anyway. I don’t agree with playing like that not because of any rules existing - simply because it wouldn’t feel to me that it was actually me achieving anything if I wasn’t fully present and if it wasn’t me doing every single click that’s required.
Sorry I shouldn’t of posted that. Everyone stay on the topic of making sand back into rock please
I think trying to keep it cheap would be best. We are only making rock anyways.
Sand/gravel +type of rock (sedi-meta-igni)+combustion/shred would be a good recipe
Or even using the furnace to design the recipe. Could that work sand plus something else cooks into rock? Maybe sand and lava?
Though then it would have to be and output of one type and chisel changed.
that sounds like glass more like
Possibly but we also have some crazy recipes in game already. Only other thought was sand and random gravel in the furnace to make rock of the sand color.
There could be three recipes.