Infinite Reclaim storage - but I'm stuck

As i have GC I have to wait to merge the “reclaim”. An other way around it is dumping chests in a “reclaim” area and empty the reclaim from the beacon in to the chests. Fastest way of merging all storage af all characters and all beacons.
That said if its A lot. You will be busy for a few hours :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:. Have done it several times now :wink:.

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You can use a campfire with storage blocks and then just dump the contents of the reclaim beacon into that.

then it will auto reclaim in 2 hours.

I use this method when im out hunting since it lets me clear out my inventory into a large chest and then set it and forget it…

I would still argue that outside of this usage player are still abusing the reclaim system because the game simply has no other sorting method…

How can i sort 15k marble from the color changing exo easily…


I can see this getting changed. I don’t think the devs meant to have the campfire work as a beacon for reclaim, but who knows. Honestly the campfire is so useless as being beginning use, it should be disabled as a beacon and be just a cosmetic block.

Doesn’t the tutorial have you place a campfire and then a beacon basically right after each other?

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I agree. I only use the campfire when starting a new character, or if I’m using it for decor.

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Campfires will not merge an active reclaim with the chests on the plot…
Only solution is to place a new beacon - and when you activate the reclaim, it auto-fuels for 4 weeks.
Then place your chests in the same beacon.
After 4 weeks the chests merge in the active reclaim - and just start over.
