Inlays and block lamination

I am not sure if this is fancy code or impossible code but I was wondering if it IS possible to use our chiseled blocks with finer detailing. When we make chiseled blocks into 1/4 sized blocks that we can will fill the invisible boundaries of the the original block size. Removing that floating effect.

you mean like a new chizzel that can make blocks more flat?

Oh that would be nice as well. But not that … I want to be able to lay down a bunch of stone. Use the chisel to make some spaces so I can put smaller block of wood. I can do the effect with the full sized blocks and it look good. I was thinking of making the floors and walls more intricately designed sort of like a mosaic. connecting smaller 1/4 blocks together to make a full single block.

ah yes that would be amazing!

but as far as i know from voxel map systems i think this is technically not possible actually. (or at least not easy)
that would just be a x4 on the resolution of blocks, wich would also be a x4 on the size of the transferred data via netowrk and the data to be stored.
or they must anyhow find a way to map all possible combinations into the amount of bits a block currently uses. +block type and color for each “subblock”
(just quessing maybe we are lucky and it will come, but i personally would not bet on that)

i think boundless makes allmost anything that is possible out of a blocky voxel map


Oh so what you’re trying to explain is that whenever you put a block,you chisel one end off with a stone square chisel, and then you wanted to implement a different block in the spot where the chisel chiseled the end of the block off? Is that what you’re trying to say?

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