But before we were able to drop an item ( say a 100 stone) in our inventory that was in a “stack” by pressing X but now I can’t I have to take said item 100 stone out of the stack just to drop it anyone know anything about it please?
I’m having trouble finding the thread, but someone else reported this, and I can report that it has affected me too.
One workaround is to do it the old fashioned way, and pick up the item inside the smart stack and dragging it and dropping it outside the inventory window.
Ok so i have noticed that when i have a smart stack of a said group of items like wood ect
it won’t let me drop a stack in the smart stack
But it will let me drop the whole smart stack
I can quick drop the individual stack but if i want to drop something i have to separate it so i can discard it from my inventory
I am a ps4 player
You also can no longer move a stack from a SS into the forge. You have to first move it out of the SS un your inventory, then, from there, into the forge.
I sure hope this is a bug. “Drop Item” isn’t working in smart stacks, either to drop/transfer the item or to do things like unload an item from an atlas either.
It has been a hit-and-miss with the atlas, but I cannot drop an augment from a slingbow.
With the atlas, at least it just does nothing. With the slingbow… It drops the whole thing, and STILL has the augment attached! We actually had someone in a hunt today lose a Blink slingbow due to this . Not sure if he/she ever got it back, but not a fun situation for anyone.