Invitation to all to come start a new town @ Berlyn - Ynys Affallon

Thanks rumply i was gonna do that after work but now i don’t have to.

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The link to Black Light is OPEN !!!

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Which portal to use in Black Light to get to the new town of Ynys Affallon in Berlyn?
The answer is in the picture below.

Yes! the one on the left gets you there, and its the very first one as you climb up to the roof of The Maze.


Let the building being!


I would like a plot please :slight_smile:

I’m coming to visit!!!

if you want to build a building just pick a spot between any 2 stone/gravel blocks. I have them marked out but not plotted. Only the kiosk plots are plotted out because they are rent only. I didn’t want the kiosk plots abandoned at anytime.

Anytime you want, all are welcome to visit.

A growing Hamlet


Shop now open for business.


We now have a link to @the-moebius and @Hashmalash Munteen Hub up.


So I don’t know what to think of this… some guy named Onicage came to my town edge and did this (the crosses).

I don’t know if I should be mad at him or just laugh my heart out.

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its an omen :smile:

Well, Friday is “Good Friday” and the First is Easter, so I imagine it’s more likely somebody just wanted to reflect their latest sermon rather than a display of B.C. Roman torture devices. Probably. Maybe.


The state of Ynys Affallon now after this past weekend’s growth spurt.


Just finished up the building this afternoon, and I’m glad to be a part of the community. I’ll be filling out the shop as revenue permits. :slight_smile:

Now open to Residents ONLY.

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The different shops of Ynys Affallon


Beacon Fuel Advert

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