Is PVP even possible?

so boundless differs from most other survival games in that pvp is incentivised to such a small degree that it isn’t even possible. but i was wondering and would like to know for sure.

PvP is on the todo list for the future.

The current focus is PvE, then PvT, then PvP.


whats pvt dont know that one :slight_smile:

Player Versus Titans :wink:



nice i wonna fight @HotelTime’s titan dodge his planet :smile:


That makes more sense. I thought it was Player vs Turbulenz :sweat_smile:


I too would take PvT to be Player vs. Titan. Can’t think of anything else that would make sense/apply within my understanding of the game context.


PvT is player vs Tom, the Wonderstruck intern. Everyone vs. just him. To be fair, he has a wicked 360 noscope headshot.


I guess these post are playing? PvT is surely Play V Terrain (especially with the upcoming changes to enviroment you keep seeing around…


Awww, and I was going to suggest it was “Player vs Time” next … where you needed to fight against old age :wink:


Sorry if i ruined it… It could be time, or Tim, or tab, tabac, table, tableau, tableland, tablespoon, tablespoonful, tablet, taboo, tabulation, tack, tackle, tact, tactic, taffeta, taffy, tag, tagua, tail, tailback, tailgate, tailor, taint, take, taking, takeoff, takeover, taking, tale, talent, talk, talker, talking, tallow, tally, tallyho, tamale, tambourine, tan, tandem, tang, tangent, tangle, tango, tank, tannin, tansy, tantrum, tap, tapdance, tape, taper, tapestry, tappet, tapping, tar, target, tariff, tarpaulin, tarpon, tart, task, taskmaster, taste, taunt, tavern, tax, taxation, taxi, taxicab, taxpayer, tea, teacart, teacher, teaching, teahouse, teakettle, teakwood, team, teammate, teamster, teamwork, tear, teardrop, tease, teasing, teaspoon, teaspoonful, technician, technique, technology, teddy, tedium, tee, teen, teenager, teeth, teetotaler, tektite, telegram, telegraph, telegrapher, telegraphy, teleology, telepathy, telephone, telephoning, telescope, teletype, television, telling, temerity, temper, tempera, temperament, temperance, temperature, tempest, template, temple, tempo, temptation, tenacity, tenancy, tenant, tendency, tenderfoot, tending, tenement, tenor, tense, tension, tenspot, tent, tentacle, tenure, term, terminal, termination, termini, terminology, terrace, terrain, terrier, territory, terror, terry, tertian, test, testament, testicle, testimonial, testimony, testing, tetrachloride, tetrasodium, text, textbook, textile, texture, thanksgiving, thaw, theaf, theater, theatergoer, theatre, theatregoer, theft, theme, theocracy, theologian, theology, theorem, theorizing, theory, therapist, therapy, thermistor, thermocouple, thermometer, thermometry, thermopile, thermoplastic, thermostat, thiamin, thick, thicket, thief, thigh, thiihng, thimble, thing, thinker, thinking, thinning, thiouracil, third, thirst, thong, thorn, thoroughfare, thought, thread, threat, threesome, threshhold, threshold, thrill, throat, throbbing, thrombi, throne, throng, throttle, throughput, throw, thrower, thrush, thrust, thrusting, thruway, thud, thug, thumb, thumbnail, thump, thumping, thunder, thunk, thwack, thwart, thyroid, tick, ticket, ticklebrush, tidbit, tide, tidewater, tie, tiger, tightening, tile, tiller, tilling, tilt, tilth, timber, timbre, time, timepiece, timetable, timidity, timing, tin, tincture, tinder, tinkering, tinning, tinsel, tint, tintype, tip, tire, tissue, titanium, titer, title, titration, toad, toadyism, toast, tobacco, toe, toffee, toil, toilet, token, tole, tolerance, toleration, toll, tollgate, tollhouse, tomato, tomb, tombstone, ton, tone, toner, tongue, tonic, tonsil, tool, toolmaker, tooth, toothbrush, toothpaste, top, topcoat, topic, topnotch, topography, toppling, topsoil, torch, torment, tornado, torpedo, torpor, torque, torquer, torrent, torsion, torso, tortoise, torture, tossing, total, totalitarianism, totality, touch, touchdown, touchstone, tour, tourist, tournament, tow, towel, toweling, tower, town, towne, township, townsman, townsmen, toxin, toy…


Player Vs.

sounds like a horrible gameplay mechanic.


Lol! That can’t be good for the game ratings!


@Samski good meme