Is the Iron Fist obsolete?

Dmg on gold fists maxes out at like 20% of what you can get on a slingbow, even with just dmg + crit/crit.

(Maybe they didn’t remove the AOE on fists bc they plan to allow AOE on them for real :star_struck: )

I guess that I just wish that everyone could craft them. It would be a great option for new players to have. It just feels like the point of having them as a reward anymore is mute. I can understand the gold fists as a reward, but not the iron ones.

Oh, yes please, I can only hope so. I can see some instances where it might be useful.


My Gold “Fists of Doom” do the most damage in-game…

I don’t make them much anymore, but they sure do some damage


Yes, I have someone that forges them exactly like that for me. I can get hits that give well over 15k dmg, but slingbows can do tens/hundreds of thousands in dmg.

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Oh not sure if aoe can be useful but If we can get 9 fists coming out from a single click…

It would look sick lol


But the only reason for this is that gold has the best critical base values right? Gold bow can get pretty damn strong too lol

hm maybe cuase iron fist kinda lame backer gift they should give it to everyone
and then give early backers the burning fist


oooh a fist with flames…yaasss :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:


The iron fist isn’t even backer exclusive as first advertised, I think it’s unlocked with the deluxe edition as well.

If that’s true then it’s even more disappointing lol

We need elemental fists lol

Fire would be awesome :smiley:

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Haven’t heard anything concrete recently, here’s some talk about it from a while back.

If durability is better on iron, I would think they would be superior to gold if being used as a loot/armor fist… (which I is what I use fists for.) …the armor is what consumes the durability.

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Explorer has 1000 golden only has 700

What boons make them work like armor?

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It’s the venerable gum. It gives the Armor Buff… Hard as Nails…


I gave my roommate an explorer fist as his first weapon. It was forged with extra durability and damage. He even used it on hunts on a T3. He prefers it over a slingbow.
If I have them, I tend to give the unforged ones away to new players.

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I still use them, forged with the extended reach… to gather goo from high cave roofs on Exos :wink:


That is a really damn good idea! How the heck did I not think of this :man_facepalming:


I make them and have them forged for me. When I saw you original post on this I loved it. They are cheaper to make than gem bows. If it takes me 2 or 3 hits to kill them so be it.


That is such an amazing piece of information! The iron fists work perfectly as glow loot magnets with armor.

This is also a great idea :smiley: