Is there a change to atmosphere protection?

I live on a lvl4 world, have lowered atmosphere protection to 1 point without problem.
Thought i needed 2 points at a lvl 4 world.

Another thought, if there are elemental weather, it looks like it do not matter if you got the protection for the planet?

It would be nice if the elemental weather raised the lvl of elemental damage.

I believe because of t6 being added only 1 point is needed for coal metal worlds.

AFAIK T4 has always been just 1 point since they switched to the points system. It then jumps to 3 points for T5

When i started at lvl 4 i needed 2 points to survive, just not noticed the change.

Maybe it was a bug then, i found the post from the devs shortly after the change:

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Yeah and the points in to atmospheres are 1,1,2,2,2.
Currently you can’t live (permanently without food buff) on a t10 (once one is introduced)

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Sorry for the highjack, but yeah; that is why T7 (savage) worlds are going to be where everyone lives. T8 (brutal) worlds are more than likely where all the endgame resources are going to be found and nobody can stay there long without food buffs. I can already see it, people will build their fortresses on T7 near some hub with various portals to the different T8 biomes.