Is there a way to reset the planets you see in the night sky?

As we are getting more and more sov planets, the amount that actually show in the sky stays the same making it hard to find the right planet if there is no obvious portal to it. I have tried going back though to another planet and coming back but the same planets were in the sky, does anyone know how to reset the planets that appear to another set?

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I think you would just have to wait for the planet you are on to rotate I think there is 24 min a day so wont take long to see other side of sky or a different angle so you can use a warp augment


Thnx that worked…

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don’t worry i waited 1 hour for a exo planet a few times because i walked away at wrong time and the planet was behind another and poof time to wait again lol

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indeed, im usually waiting few turns to see all orbiting sovs :smiley:

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