Is there something keeping me from building a bridge across an entire world?

If I wanted to build a bridge over 500 plots long so it meets itself again in the end, can I do it? Even if I use multiple beacons over a few different alts to get the job done? Or would that not work given the ways beacons work? I tried to do this in Early Access and there was a glitch keeping me from plotting any farther after a few hundred plots in.

It works , I done it

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Can you provide proof? I’d like to see it.

The only restriction now is the plot cost and hopefully not running into other people’s plots blocking you.

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Well I’d definitely hit other plots. I’d just go around them. :slight_smile:

Oh no… please not the Critonia like bridge on Berlyn again…


Go do it on a lvl 5 or 6 planet. We don’t need issues of you preventing people from expanding in a direction cause you move around them to continue your bridge.

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Explain. I’m not familiar with this.

Not to be patronizing but I’m not sure how much you didn’t understand. Berlyn was a west coast server from Berlyn and someone there was already attempting this but if I’m thinking about the same one the person only got about half way.

It’s 100% doable but kinda pointless. Till was the one that need the road and thank you Merlin for providing one.

I knew nothing of this bridge. I wanted more information. There was a LOT I could easily not understand from his very short request. I am familiar with Berlyn, but I did not know somebody started to build one of these bridges on it. So thank you for the broader explanation.

Didn’t @AzureHelios build that giant ring around Epsilo during beta?

Post Your Screenshots!

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AH! So it was possible even before? Strange. @vdragon never was able to figure out why my plots were disappearing as far as I know.

Don’t think @AzureHelios is around to fill you in, but @Spoygg made a huge mining tunnel, and I remember him coming into plot difficulties - he should know a thing or two.


Hey, thanks a lot. :slight_smile:


a flying bridge all over the planet?
ye ruin the lansdcape, why not :>


I expected a lot of hostility toward my creating this. Mmm. It fuels me. :wink:


well you could make it a nice bridge, responding to the landscape, but this would need more plots :>


Do it man. Haters gonna hate.


I’m thinking of that huge wall like in Age of Conan. If it’s something like that it could be pretty cool.

That would be…amazing.
Personally thinking of a structure (Iain M. Banks kinda thing…) a bit above the majority of landscape but going through hills and mountains…
So very cool either way.

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