Is this supposed to happen? "Workbench" [Resolved]

These cogs have been cookin for a few days.

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It is most likely broken you need to fix it with a spanner.


I canceled it and tried repairing it. I’m not sure if it did anything but I can add new items to the que now.

That happens if the output is full, or the machine is broken. To which, as onebitknightly stated, you’ll need to fix with a spanner. You do not need to cancel the queue to repair.

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You can see the â„…wear on the first window of the machines.

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ahh I should have checked that before I smacked it with a spanner.

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Don’t feel bad. I’ve been playing for a bit over a week now and I just found out that the “wear” stat meant the machine’s durability yesterday.

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lol we are all noobs still :smiley:

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