It’s a sad day in Boundless

It’s been a few weeks since I been on finally got on and see Multiple beacons down i was about done with the settlement on Xa Frant but now it’s just tore up falling apart

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Sorry to hear that. Did you forget or simply unable to return?

Regardless - my condolences.


@Revan I just noticed you are doubleX wel I’d be happy to help u restore but I have offered this multiple times and from the previous months since we spoke u have neglected boundless just be honest :joy: but I think for you it’s better to get rid of how it is currently and destroy everything and we can help u build up from scratch. But it’s better if you guild align your settlement to the capital so we can fuel it when needed to prevent such mistakes

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The state u see now is nothing more then how it was really as I check most settlements on xa frant daily and this slipped me because I have lots to do in real but since I came on xa frant the place never been restored to old state and we are talking 1 year now roughly…

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I checked from the recent screenshot and the loss is 125k prestige in refined stone it’s a bit of stone but we have tons to help you I noticed it’s a small loss and a few spots got affected