Item Delete-age, Death during Trade

Hey guys,

Had a strange item disappearing glitch today.

I went to trade a guild member to give him about 250 vital orb and a sapphire slingbow. I found him, dug down to where he was, opened trade, put the items in and hit OK. Right after that, not sure if he hit OK or not, a hopper dropped down and killed me.

At this point I respawned and checked my inventory, and didn’t have the items, so I said hey, it’s a good thing the trade went through or I would have to walk back there. He swears he didn’t get the items. I asked him to check stacks etc. to make sure it didn’t get stacked with something else, he said he is 100% sure.

So I have to assume that this is some kind of bug where items in the trade window are not returned to your inventory if you die rather than cancelling trade. The value of the items to me was pretty insignificant so I am not too worried, but, fair warning to anyone else.


Log to sanctum, close the game, give it a few minutes and then check again. I’ve seen that some times the client things you made a trade or dropped an item but the server determines that you have not. They should re-appear back in your inventory.

This happened a while back with a disconnect during a trade.
We found our items we were trading when we tried to trade something else.
Try to open a trade with the same person and items may still be in trade limbo

Oh hey, thanks to that first guy, when I switched chars and back it had been placed in my inventory.

If you would have went back into the trade screen with him it would have been sitting in the trade slots.