I've lost a majority of my gleambow colours thanks to the Auto Hold bug

I feel your pain… I’ve swiss cheesed my place many times… walls ceilings floors… then add insult to injury I fall in the hole I created…

I lost a ton of building material from going afk with wonky trigger h ammers on. Came back 20 minutes later to a giant hole in my building and everything despawned lol.

but I thought you liked the open concept @Peyago:joy: lol

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Yeah, but sometimes you just have way to many doors!

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If a fire update comes out at least you have your exits ready lol

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This is one of those bugs that scares me enough to affect my play style. I am in the habit of removing everything but spanners and loot sticks when doing stuff around my base which is kinda sad. I remember reading about it when I first noticed it a long time ago…


I wish I could help you out but don’t have a lot from the gleambows myself sorry

I don’t really understand what the issue was here.

Some storage blocks were destroyed and the items will have spilled into the world. But they will have not despawned for 3 5 minutes.

So the blocks were sitting on the floor or autocollected by a player.

What happened after the spillage so that you couldn’t simply pick them up again?

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try breaking 9 ornate chests full of smart stacks and let us know if you drop frames…

It sounds like his hammer went haywire after exiting his inventory. This has happened to me. And I presume he lagged out from the item explosion and somehow couldn’t get back in for 3 minutes? That part is hazier.

After well, i couldn’t do anything (standing directly next to all the blocks) as I’ve said above before i couldn’t move at all i tried but it would send me back to the same spot nor could my partner she disconnected a couple times (weaker connection) i wasn’t able to store items just nothing i was there to watch my time and effort despawn on me which i didn’t want to happen.

I tried doing sanctum but that took longer then 10 seconds more like 30 seconds just to enter that but even coming back to the location or even near it would render me motionless and unable to do anything. None of this would have happened if that bug hadn’t happened in the first place and if i had taken notice but then again players shouldn’t have to worry about a bug like this in the first place that is the issue that is the problem here. My partner’s name is @Beautiine if you want a story from her side i can give you one but it’s basically the same.


If you want to know what my surrondings looked like when it happened then here’s this my grapple is on the gleam storage block but also the place i hit for all the others to break with my 3x3 totem

Can you give some estimate on number:

Number of storage units destroyed?
Number of blocks dropped from destroying these units?
When did this roughly happen?
(World was Lasaina.)

Confirm that you couldn’t move and the blocks eventually despawned?

I can confirm this happened to me once. I was moving shopstands filled with metal bars and not knowing of this bug thing, i smashed several full shopstands. All the metal bars fell out and the game lagged big time. I dont remember how i fixed it. I think i logged out then logged back in very quickly then emptied my inv (since new stuff have a fresh despawn timer) then started magnet-ing these bars to me and dropping them in random storages wherever i have space and i saved them all.

happened to me too. I broke several chests filled with many different items (on purpose) and moving became difficult. as my character was glitching all around the place I somehow managed to open an empty chest, unload items and magnet some of the spilled ones. it stopped when there was less stuff on the ground

This has happened to me as well recently… i set up a minter with coils right next to my growth storage that i wanted to mint… my grand plan was to break the storage chests and magnet up the growth as I minted it / repaired the machine… after breaking the 3rd for 4th ornate wood box full of growth… i was “lag locked” all i could do was return to sanctum and warp home to dump inventory and warp back to try and pick up more and repeat… still lost most of it though… lesson learned O.o

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The number of storage units destroyed was 9, Honestly it’s super hard to give an exact number for all the blocks dropped from all 9 storage chests, but from what i know and can remember most of these chests we’re half full with various numbers mainly glass, mud, lusterous and ancient wood as well with metamorphic and sedimentary rock, exotic foliage but the gleam was about 4 spaces from being full. Sorry but it’s super hard to tell but you can probably make an estimate with all the 255 colours.

The only real chest i can give you an estimate on was the gleam one the only one i really cared about when this happened, it had about 10+ for most colours an others being 5+ each and every colour of gleam and lost 200 black gleam. This roughly happened somewhere at 8 pm.

I myself can infact confirm and my partner can confirm with me on this that neither of us could move, store anything (if i were to access storage i would instantly be kicked out) i couldn’t drop anything as it would instantly be back in my inventory (same items) i genuinely struggled tying to recover everything. Eventually after it had all despawned i was only able to recover with how much was able to fit in my inventory and my partners (barely any of it was gleam at least 4 stacks of different colours in total). Hopefully this helps in some way.

ive had the inventory auto swing bug from time to time but never on my own storage usually just some random wall in my base or the ground good to know sorry you lost all that stuff. bug def needs fixing.

This would make sense of new lag issues considering bigger storage. Before when you hit 9 storage it was small amount. Now 9 storage can be so many times more resources.

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@DrCyanide not much but I put 100 pcs of black gleam in your gf’s storage where her forge ingredients are… lil something since you lost most :slight_smile: