Just to let you know

I’ve no intention of stopping gleam club or cancelling my planets.

I love the game and so long as the servers stay on, and I have breath in my lungs, I’m happy to support the game.

I’ve had thousands of game hours over the past 5 years and have loved every minute of it. No game has come close to that level of time spent.

Do I want to see the game get further developed? Of course. Do I think communication could be better? Yes.

As it stands the game is stable, has enough features to provide thousands of hours gameplay for about £35.

Peace, love and empathy.


I Still Have 9 years of GC so I’m not going anywhere & I’ll continue on fueling planets in secret that I really :two_hearts:

Maybe I’ll drop more $$ on plots cause I’m lazy Farmer that just wants to build Bigger & Bigger ill continue to show Support to the game

I agree that development & communication would be nice but isn’t required for me I grew up in the age of gaming not having any updates just Nerfs xD

:cookie: :heart::cookie: :heart:


:scream: :face_with_spiral_eyes: :exploding_head:


Wow, a post that doesn’t have a bunch of whiners :rofl:. Nice change of pace! Now start the count down for the villagers with pitchforks.


GC stays for me as well.


I’m that person that is in the middle here. On one hand, I love Boundless. I want Boundless to be successful. I desperately want to pour my heart and soul into this game by continuing into the 4000+ hours range, building a website that consolidates BUTT and Boundlexx into one while being really quick and easy to use and by writing mining guides for this forum while maintaining sovereigns of each gem type.

That said, Monumental has made it REALLY hard to be passionate about the game. It’s just:

“There is nothing new to report”
“We are still transferring the game over”
“We are committed to Boundless and keeping it alive”

Over and over again with no end in sight. No roadmap. No plan. No rough, finger-to-the-wind date or expectation on when we might possibly see development resume. It’s equal parts frustrating and disheartening. I don’t blame those like @SWProzee1 and @Turrican2006 who have moved on. I want to as well but, as I said, I’m kinda stuck in limbo here.

I’ve said this before and I will stand by it:

Boundless has the potential to be bigger than Minecraft. I know why Monumental sought it out and bought it. It has a better foundation and better upside than Minecraft and it has a certain “charm” that Minecraft can’t come close to. It simply needs a big marketing push and some QoL updates (with many of those centered around the player onboarding/leveling/tutorial experience).


No one really does I guess.
I left before too (and came back).

But all the “I’m not giving you any of my money anymore, you monumental thieves” does come across as a bit childish and pretentious.

I am disappointed with Monumental lack of transparency. For sure.
So what? I’d rather keep playing, GC or not, if that’s the last thing that helps keep the servers going. If existing of something I love doing is up to me, I say yes.


no on is whinning from what i see i see players voicing there diapoitant with the siuation but you can call it whinnign since you dont have anything construtive to add to the convosation good shamming though :slight_smile:


Yeah, I agree that that sounds really childish and pretentious BUT nobody ever made that statement !!!
Want to quote people, fine, but please do it correctly.


‘moved on’ ?

So far @Turrican2006 and myself stated not to support Monumental anymore.
For me that means that I will not renew all my Sov. Worlds and that I won’t make more videos on Boundless.

Hope it is clear now.


Oh, but they have… not in those exact words of course. I wasn’t quoting anybody just signaling. If I quote I do it as above.

On a different note, I actually liked your video, if disagreed with the sinking sheep and end of it all notion. You made a few good points for sure.

1 Like

Did my phone just picked sheep instead of ship?
:thinking: :rofl:


blup blup blup…meeeehhhh


Likewise… :wink:

@Tiggs - these new post editing limitations suck.
Another separate post then.

The art of discussing at its best :clown_face:

it was about your sinking SHEEP


My apologies @fortunist1. My mistake.