Just want to share my underground ruins

I’ve spent the last couple weeks redoing my home beacon underground and I just really want to share the (mostly) finished product. I would SUPER love if anyone wanted to stop by and walk through it, it’s a different experience in person that can’t be captured in photos!

You can find it from TNT Megahub on Circ, second level portal called Anvil Seginiakai, then exit to the right towards a giant tower until you see the green turtle. Beacon is “Truus’s Home”.

To get inside, hop in the rowboat :smile:

I have:

  • an angry hopper
  • a spiral stairwell
  • a magical tree
  • Warmaiden’s, a forge (not to be confused with @Bethlehem ‘s shop, I just like Adrianne Avenicci and her hubs)
  • Freja’s cafe, a bakery
  • a witches brewery corner
  • Ptolemy’s Maps, a cartographer
  • Morticia’s
  • Socrates’ Masonry, sculpture in progress
  • a treasury
  • a three-tier Roman bath with a plaza and fountain above
  • a turtle
  • a lily pad
  • a rowboat


Looks wonderful. Let know if you need someone to round up the snakes.

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Skyrim FTW :muscle: