Kakarots Network
T5 / T6 Gateway opened for convenience. Getting so many visitors thought why not. Yes dont worry have the ort and Definitely plan to keep it open!. Need help with a portal? You can also contact starman for some assistance.
The Forged Market located from the main hub. Is looking for some shop owners for the following. T3, T5, T7 tools. Also looking for someone interested in selling regeneration and effect bombs.
If you are interested in a spot, or need some Forged tools, Come on by.
Located downs stairs of the main hub is the Regeneration farming Hub.
The Farms include,
Silt, Peat, Clay, 2 Gleam colors, Mud, Mud flat, Twisted, Lustrous, Achient, Gravel, Ash, Large Sponge (plusating orbs), Spine / Clone Flowers, Sedimentary, Metamorphic mine, Mixed mine. Lush foliage, Exotic foliage, All farms have spots for your campfires. So bring the chests and stock up!!
Farms will continue to be updated and more on the way!