Keep your "macros" to your self

But if it helps the cheaters too I do not see it as a good way to even the playing field at all…

It’s a very minor help to cheaters, it’s basically 2d x-ray for legit players. Compare that to 0 help for legit players I’d say it’s a big help to make it even a little bit more fair.


I have spent many many hours mining for gems while reading a book


I don’t understand it. But if that’s what’s fun for you then rock on.(if your reading an audio book and not a real book then that’s different. I turn the game music off and listen to crime podcasts)

Audio books are great for long mining sessions!


It is hard to explain, but I find zoning out to music while doing mindless resource collecting and mining to be extremely relaxing and healing - it helps melt away my stress and forget my sadness more than anything pretty much. :slight_smile: It is almost like an altered state of mind, everything else sort of fades away and I’m lost in the game world and music. Hours pass like minutes when doing it.


Harry Potter is my go to :nerd_face: but I’m working my way through all the Terry Pratchet Discworlds books right now :slight_smile:
I hope you dont have too much sadness @bucfanpaka you seem like one of the loveliest people I’ve ever encountered!


Come on macros, lets blow this joint! :raised_hand:

Thank you so much @Trickyy90 , I really appreciate that!! :blush: And ditto for you, you are awesome!! :slight_smile:

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It is not beside the point at all. Something that helps Non-Cheaters a hell of alot more then it would help cheaters is the definition of „To Try To Level The Playing Field“

That was not there when I read your statement.

Was added right after I had hit the reply button, wouldn’t have a lick of sense without it…

In any case, all I tried to convey was that if this was the devs solution to an xray mod then it is a bad solution and a solution that EVEN helps them a bit as well and I’m sorry but I don’t think the devs motivation for adding the real time atlas was this xray mod, there are much better ways to prevent it. Heck, already simply coming out that those type of mods are a bannable offense would be a good start not implement something that tries to even the playing field which to me sounds like a silly way to go about…

Also, sometimes I wonder why we even discuss these silly little things in the first place. Those mods should be banned, first thing to do is to make a statement about them, then try to detect the use of them and ban people…

It is a bad solution, because it doses nothing to stop the situation from happening in the 1st place, but it is better then absolutely nothing.

We do not know for sure what the devs motivation was as they did not tell us, all I know is the Hearsay that I was told, which fits, and the fact this function was requested by the player base aswell,

I do not think the X-ray situation was the only thing that motivated the atlas update to come out, but I do believe it is quite likely that the situation played a role of it coming out sooner then later.

Once again it is all Conjecture that is based on Hearsay. We simply do not know.

And they are not willing to do so, if Luca’s statement is to be taken as fact. Since it came from a dev, that is pretty solid proof of their intent.

In my book, things that read the games memory, and things designed to subvert the games network security should be banned, but based off of the devs actions, that is not going to happen.

And „Banning“ something is not good enough, going over the speed limit is banned, but people still do it. They would also have to spend time to try to figure out a way to prevent it (which they are not willing to do), Detect it, and then react to it once it is detected. and based on Luca’s statement, I do not think the devs think X-raying is a big enough problem for them to take further action on it.

That is a pretty passive stance on it if you ask me.


I don’t use any macros or cheats. But don’t like the idea of having to log in with a special key after a certain amount of playtime either. Hello, the fun police.image


I agree. Simulating a mouse click (auto clicker) is totally different than coding a macro. That is officially cheating.

it would be next to impossible to detect unless the devs hire a ingame “mod” team to randomly watch people that players report has “possible macro/botting” cuz even without autohotkey makeing complex macros with anti cheat friendly software is super easy

has you can see in the screenshot i can even simulate mouse movement

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Yep this I know. Which may happen.