Kind of worried about the future of this game

plus if i remember right the original name for body paint was tattoos but on release they changed it cuz it would have effected the rating and im willing to bet my account when and if we get any lore its going to be on the same fluff level has minecraft super kid friendly.


It’s because you can freely change your body paint like changing wearables.

If the body paint had been permanent and required a character reset then tattoo would have made sense.

But as they can be swapped freely body paint made more sense.

Nothing to do with ratings.


sorry that update was so long ago i must have gotten it mixed up with a joke a player made or something

I think that this hits the nail on the head. I’ve played pretty much every day since PS4 launch and I’ve seen countless people settle near me, but they only seem to last to the point where they’ve built an ugly hut with each machine and a spark generator in. Once they make this milestone i never see them again. It could be the gem wall and lack of knowledge about AOE tools. Whatever it is, there seems to be a definite point at which the majority leave.

I am also playing since Release in PS 4 with the Deluxe Edition, playing AS much AS i can depends to real Life and working. I have to say that there is too much dept for causal and younger Players i think . Everyone i know in the Game is at least 30 or above ,me i am 41.
Like Targa Said IT IS till having a small build with almist every machine and then they leave. I m thinking about making IT more attraktiv dir These Players but have Not found a solution yet​:unamused::unamused::unamused::unamused:

Exactly this. Why worry about what may or may not happen with this game when it comes to turning off the lights. It’s not in our control so just enjoy it while we can.

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You are right er should enjo AS Long AS we can :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:and perhaps trying to get IT more Public with social medias Like YouTube, Instagram or what ever and do our best to get IT more Public so that the Community will raise , perhaps the Publisher can make some free to Play weekends with a Discount Prince dir the Game at that specific Weekend . I think both ideas together could Help for a growing Community or Player Base.

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The fact the game is hardly advertised (which I feel the company are probably doing this on purpose to not blow up too fast) Shows that a sustained player base is always present.

I love that the game is not PTW, everyone is equal other than the ability to buy more plots. Which is the perfect touch for the company to still be able to create that extra bit of revenue.

Also, having the Square Enix (collective) partnership is HUGE. When they decide to advertise and publish the game, it will blow up. But again, as I said above, I feel biding their time is an extremely clever move. Upgraded servers plus a multi platform re-launch will skyrocket this game. It has enormous potential!

Be glad you got here and got that head start :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Patience, probably.

I’ve seen people quit because they landed in a huge city and got mad they couldn’t build anything, and because the move speed is so slow, it took them several minutes of walking in any direction and still couldn’t build anything, so they just refunded.

I’ve seen people quit because they landed in the middle of nowhere and had no way to check out player builds or see other players and felt isolated and bored.

I’ve seen people quit because they forgot to fuel their beacon and didn’t get a welcome back package. Seriously, a welcome back package based on player level that awarded a bunch of good tools and machines would go a LONG WAY for player retention.

I’ve seen people quit because they don’t want their beacon to ever merge with someone elses.


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I honestly think a rework of the tutorial would help a whole lot. I remember starting and feeling a little lost and overwhelmed. Especially as I landed on a hostile world and literally died repeatedly about 100 times :joy::see_no_evil:


Minecraft got away with no tutorial because it was a social phenomenon, but now, I think people are going to expect an on-rails tutorial that is very clear and succinct. If I recall, Boundless gives you a lot of options and it’s kind of overwhelming.

Not to mention, T4 worlds are useless still, and T5 worlds have almost no caves to get gems in, which forces a brick wall of strip mining which is far more boring than spelunking.

There’s a lot of issues with mid-game still.

I’ll agree with the t4 being more or less useless(minus for new crops now) however for cave diving not everyone enjoys that. If that’s how I had to get my gems I’d never have any :sweat_smile:

I feel as though there’s a lot more depth to this game than Minecraft though. Minecraft is like a simple version of boundless technically that was designed at I feel a younger audience.

Right now, T4 is the home of Exotic Earthyam Bulbs. T5 is a perfect hunting platform as T6 can get a little silly with the elites when in smaller groups/solo. I’m sure there are many other plans in the pipelines!

The game will blow up. the building mechanics are 1000x better than Minecraft, that’s a whole audience to capture. The MMO side has a perfect balance of solo gameplay and group gameplay possibilities (granted more regular “seasonal/random events” would be amazing)

Not to mention the PlayStation exclusivity holding the game back! Microsoft and Nintendo markets untouched. People just need to stop worrying, let the devs carry on doing their amazing work, and enjoy the game :v:t3:


I’d say the majority of people who quit the game at launch did so when they hit the gem-grind. Most people would rather get gems in an entertaining way, than smash 1 block at a time.

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I’m glad they did. The game doesn’t have any reason or need to over sexualize itself… it is totally aimed at an adult audience, but there are a ton of kidlets out there running around with Dad or Mom… heck, I taught my 10 year old how to mine. :nerd_face::+1: The fact that my kids can run around is such a plus… You can’t play Tera with your kids… and as a grown woman, I think the over specialization of young girls is creepy. This game has so much more to offer, it doesn’t have to rely on using ■■■ as bait.

Stay Naughty! :star_struck:


But, but, isn’t that what they basically already did for your builds with the lighting update?



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Yea unfortunately. Hence my hub that had over 200 white gleam is no longer. @Ratchel built us a new hub out of the kindness of his heart. And my Mason Estate(tho I didn’t build it) is darker then I’d like even tho there’s a ton of lanterns in it. Started to change some to white lanterns but it doesn’t really brighten it up more. Just the areas that get directly touched by it look whiter. And my other build in sorissi is a lost cause that I’m just going to level. As for my other planet builds I’ve avoided going to them in fear of what they look like.

Hopefully they’ll turn the lights up slightly. Also maybe rethink the gem colors because they look so fake now compared to before.

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yeah i fully disagree with your assessment of beacon fuel. ive played games with land systems similar and most of them go Per week, where if you dont login every week youre in trouble. and the level of grinding to get the 3 week, 6 days, 23 hour fuel (lets be honest its 4 weeks not 3) is literally peanuts.

i just had occasion to make some basic beacon fuel and to be fair i have really powerful tools and skills, but it took me about 3 minutes to defoliate a couple small trees, and that gave me enough foliage to make 30 basic beacon fuels. even for a brand new player with no skills and no tools it might take a maximum of 5 min utes to make a totem, find a tree, whack 10 foliage off and then instnatly craft it into fuel to pop in the beacon once a month. If you dont have the time or patience for that then id wager a guess that you dont actually want to play at all .

ive always just bought my beacon fuel before i started gleam clubbing, and tbh its really very inexpensive. also, i treated myself to some subway last weekend, the total cme to about 14 dollars, and taht is the price of 3 months of gleam club. I dont think its really that expensive or extortionate. i got gleam club more because i wanted to have flashy chat colors than because i thought my builds were going to expire without it.

anyways, i just feel saying its extortionate is being hyperbolic or dishonest. 5 minutes of effort a month isnt a lot to ask, and going for the bigger beacon fuels still isnt that tricky. Literally go do level 1 meteors until you have more than ten oort and then sell them off at the usual rate of 150c and reap your easy high end beacon fuel.


Can I know what games? I’m new to the temporary land plotting genre. Do these games delete thousands of hours of progress if expired?

My issue was not with the basic beacon fuel. I actually thought it was above expectation for a basic short term fuel.
My issue is the lack of a long term fuel. 5-6 hours of high efficiency grinding for fuel that lasts only 16 weeks. My work schedule does not allow for video games in the spring and fall. It’s sleep, eat, work & laundry for about half the year. Because of the duration of the fuels I can’t even plan for the leave myself. The only options currently available are to buy GC or beg(and trust) another player to fuel my beacons for me. Providing a longer duration fuel or allowing us to store 1 extra fuel in the beacon’s inventory would really help bridge the long breaks.

OR better explain the level of time required to take a break longer than 4 weeks. If I had started this game closer to when I will need to take a break, I would not have had enough time to craft the 16 week fuel. Even with that I’m going to have to set a calendar reminders and hope I won’t be out of town. I don’t get to pick when/where I will be working that far in advance. I’m not flying with a 2nd laptop around the country for 3 months just in case I am not home to toss fuel in a beacon.

To make Greater Beacon fuel you only require a handful of not too terribly rare ingredients. However, you need a workbench with 3,000 power. Since you need 1,500 power to make the A. coils, you need to first make 15 regular power coils. At a minimum you need to get 15 power coils + 5 advanced power coils before being able to take an extended leave, which from scratch takes ages.

All work and no boundless make Ubermensch a dull boy.
All work and no boundless make Ubermensch a dull boy.
All work and no boundless make Ubermensch a dull boy.
All work and no boundless make Ubermensch a dull boy.
[From the shining]


end of discussion! :wink: