Knowledge Menu: This confuses me

This screenshot from the Boundless Crafting website shows that to make a healing brew, I need the ‘Advanced Engines’ skill, which I can’t find anywhere. Why wouldn’t it be Advanced Brewing?

That website is by @Stretchious. It’s likely an issue with the website, not anything to do with the game…

Oh okay, so how do I make a healing brew?

If you have the basic brews skill, press “K” or navigate to the knowledge menu and filter for brews, the recipe and requirements will be there

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Ohhhh thank you, I didn’t know the Knowledge thing was there.

Huh, this is weird - what is this knowledge page? Is it everything my character has encountered? Because there are things on the list that he hasn’t encountered, and there are things -not- on the list that he has.

Its all the things that you have the skills to make.

Just double-checked this because I thought it was already on the live version but it is on testing. We have new tips coming because the knowledge screen went out but we didn’t tell people about it.

Now we’ll be telling you when new items have been added to the knowledge screen and when you look at the knowledge menu a tip will explain how the menu works.


But there are things listed that aren’t craftable - like Ancient Tech Remnants and Roadrunner Trophy Feathers, animal eyes, etc.

Right, I guess you get all components of crafting recipes too…

It does say recipes and resources, and you can filter them as well.

But I haven’t, there’s only 1 Ancient tech item listed, but all 3 fossiles. I think it’s incomplete?

And I have the ribbon cable tech component in my inventory so I have picked them up before but it doesn’t show up in the list of Knowledges.

It will have unlocked by:

Items you’ve collected are added to the knowledge
Recipes you have unlocked are added to the knowledge
Items used in recipes you’ve unlocked will appear in the knowledge even if you haven’t collected it before

Try filtering the menu down:

But there’s stuff in here that I’ve never seen in the game like Roadrunner feathers. I think it’s buggy.

That would have unlocked because there is a recipe in your list that uses it.


Hmmm okay, so for it to be listed, I have to have a recipe that requires it? I think I get it now, thank you. :slight_smile:

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I’ll double check the site as well. I imported from the test data, but may have missed something.


awesome :smile:

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