Knowledge window needs a search box

As simple as the title implies, why isn’t there a field to filter down the incredibly long list just to find that one item you’re looking for? This would make the window 10x more usable for me.


And I know about the arrows at the top btw, they’re not granular or user friendly enough.

There was mention from the dev team not so long ago that they are looking to implemement a search feature and new views for the knowledge tab…


100% agree that a search is needed in the knowledge. Nothing is more frustrating in trying to find what I need to make purified butter and having to try to find it when it is should be in the food section. Instead, you have to go past the brews and find it in the components,

Butter, flour, rice, oats, butter are all food, they should be with the food, not with the making of oils, essences, cogs, bombs, nails, and other items. What does oils that are used in making things for tools and weapons have to do with making pies that require purified butter, or how to make flour to be used in making loaves of bread?

They’re talking about machine UI’s, recipe lists. They could all be rolled in to using the same system though, sounds interesting.