[Kol Hutt] --[T7 - Savage Rift Exoworld]-- [Inactive]

Hey Soju, I actually can’t warp to that Soverign world. I don’t contain the permissions.

My IGN is “Sneeky” It differs from this name

Most of the “good stuff” will be gone, if it’s not already. But it’s still fun to check out the environment – and, if you’re like me, die. A lot. :stuck_out_tongue:


When I got on the planet (the first few hours) it had .39% Rift. Early this morning around 12:04 AM CST it had .27%; pretty descent amount of Rift left. I would highly recommend getting out and checking it out and grabbing some for yourself if you haven’t yet!


I was looking forward for exo return… but by the time I got there not alot left…just wish they would triple everything Percentage wise…why only 2000ish kindling and rift was not really alot .surely we can get higher Percentages… come on…

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… They should let me create a few T7 exos like I do with rentals. :grin: Betcha I could get some good results. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Well actually I feel they put no effort at all in them…so to put someone passionate about creating new planets could definitely benefit the game… I Vote for you to do them…you are definitely the most passionate planet builder i have seen.


opening a portal in 5-10 min …got 3 ppl through.


goodbye, exo!


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