Kraken brew question

I was on besevrona yesterday using a Karmen brew and an ax to get reactive Pamela from branch funnel fungus. When using regular ax I kept coming up for air normally, when I switched to an ax that had been forged with icy ground debuff and that sinking feeling debuff I was able to remain under water the entire time. My air was not decreasing at all, I switched a tool to see if this was normal and instantly air decreased but when holding the one with debuff applied no need to come up for air the entire time of the brew. Is this normal?

Kraken brew

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Yes, normal,


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Wow that is awesome

yeah, kraken brew + that sinking feeling means unlimited air for the duration of the kraken brew.


It is working as intended


Wait what’s the kraken brew

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Screenshot 2021-01-09 181032

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D: I just bought 900 mega healing brews for my project and there’s these ( ;.; )

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Yeah, with max zeal if you use kraken brew and an item with that sinking feeling quirk you can just stay under water for 30 mins per brew