Large beacon prestige not registering after guild update

in the ranking of the planet Alnitans my settlement turned into two settlements


This is the sort of thing I was trying to start, I think.

It doesn’t seem reasonable now at all. Nothing changes physically but having it clearly marked as troubling/excluded by the system doesn’t really allow me to feel like I’m doing a right thing anyways.

Then there’s the complete loss of any footfall which is a target and measure of a successful build, in this system, right?

It sounds like you’re already pretty settled in, good luck getting this resolved to your satisfaction.

Thanks. It has finally been solved tho!

But wow, this was a really rather un-fun way to spend the day to say it mildly.

@james Perhaps it would be a great addition if, besides just telling us that the beacon is bridging 1 or more settlements, it also would show us the name/location of the beacons it’s trying to bridge. If I had known that info this would’ve been solved in like 10 minutes…


Mine has been messed up since before the update. I have over a million prestige on Malurialakrib, and yet I don’t show up in the rankings.

My settlement is touching only one other beacon, it’s some dinky underground one. Also I have a grid of unplotted areas within my beacon. Do I have to fill everything in? I was trying to offer some storage spaces for long mining hauls for others.

Sorry to hear this. I was 3rd in lamblis (COSMICVIBRATIONS) But after update it knocked off my other beacon and only 1 beacon worked.So I went from town to village and my 1st beacon had merging message.Lastnight majorvex from these forums came and fixed it .Game thought I had a road so made it wider.All day today I’ve been happy because I was back to normal then tonight I go on the game and my homebeacon shows merge message yet again.This happened straight after the maintenance that came up today.I took a screenshot of my beacon right before the maintenance because I new it would go pear again.So I only have one beacon working second ones came over tonight and she couldn’t find anything wrong she checked everywhere.She spent a good hour of her time just to try and fix this.Bless her.So looks like I’m not alone then.Hope the devs will be able to find out why this is happening. Good luck to everyone it should get sorted eventually.Im a ps4 player and have know way of fixing this huge issue that magically appeared.

I have been playing with it a bit. The plots just need to be thick, like at least 3x3 all over with no little foots poking out.

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Hi thanks for replying.I have found the problem myself this morning.I feel a ninny because I have a small bridge that’s only 1 plot wide.So I added 3 plots on each side of the bridge.Everything is patched up and my beacon is responding nicely.