Larian Forums

Can everyone go post in this forum please. Please keep it civil as I am trying to garner some attention from Larian and possibly get some answers. Don’t go flame Boundless or Larian, just go post something in regards to wanting some answers.

Edit: I apologize if this is not allowed, but at this point I’m going down every avenue I can for answers.

So this is like if your mate breaks up with you and won’t speak with you, so you call their aunt to pass a message on to call you??? :rofl:


For the most part yes… hah

So when does the restraining order happen? :joy:


Who knows I guess that depends on if the thread gets locked.

Not sure about locked, but I’m sure it’ll be muted by several people’s.

Have fun.

I already had a reply from Jess I just need a contact… any contact. It’s not a matter of fun for me no part of it is fun, I just want to get some information that everyone is wanting.

I don’t think harassing them is going to be very useful. You could try clarifying that you are trying to understand the relationship between Larian, Turbulenz, Wonderstruck, and Larian Guildford, but I think you probably already got all the answer you’re going to get.

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I wasnt looking to harass them at all but I suppose it could be viewed as such. I was hoping that if enough people posted something that I could get some form of response to me wanting a contact.

On top of that, I was surprised to see someone mention they never heard of the game.

EDIT: I am sure at best they would just shoot me the general Turbulenz email anyways which I have emailed a few times.

You never know, if the players asking politely here…and screaming isn’t doing anything or getting anywhere sometimes a word with “the boss” can cause them to lean on the person or give advice on it.

I’ve found a few times with my ISP that getting issues fixed can be an utter nightmare, but as soon as you share that with their parent company- or ask the question publicly on their social media, it gets fixed VERY quickly.

Just be polite and don’t use it as a default option and I can see little harm.

Some accountability for James & turbulenz might be what’s needed to get a post here. either that or i get banned from their forums lol

Your post over there could use a rewrite - the second paragraph could be written in a way that makes it more clear that you are saying that Turbulenz’ bad image is affecting their image. I’m not sure the best way to reword, but figured I’d point it out. Idk if you can even edit over there.

(to be clear, this is intended as constructive feedback to help your cause, not criticising)

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Taken as feedback and helpful, nothing else. Don’t seem to be able to edit though

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