Spent hours scouring “shallow water” of all kinds. Anyone devs included willing to give some more tips on how to find it? Pretty please?
I found a handful of them deep underground beneath lakes on Besevrona, but they seem very scarce.
Well that alone is enough of a hint to give me a better direction then “shallow water”. Thank you for that. When I wake up i’ll try finding more. Feel free for anyone else to share if they got more info
Amethysts are under the shorelines… If you walk about 5 blocks out from the water line, they’re gonna be right underneath you.
And they’re currently under ALL of the shorelines.
Thanks for the picture and info. Know the optimal altitude by chance?
Seems to be very low, I’ve found them at 30 or lower although it may go higher.
And the Rough Emeralds are under all of the ocean floors, so if you dig far enough in you will eventually run into those as well. That’s when you wind up with situations like this:
Thanks. I’ve found a few amethyst since then. The information you provided was extremely helpful.
2 gems on worlds is dope
Yea. Shame they don’t have equal spawn numbers. From what I recall it’s like half the amount of the main planet’s gem. Which makes sense since i’ve farmed tons of diamond and never found a Ruby.
Holy Maccaroni, this is so incredible Helpful, I love you Guys!
Hey, what is the depth beneath the shoreline? Should I dig to mantle? Or just few blocks under water?
I dug down to the same levels for diamond. Altitude 8 to 20. Found a decent amount of it over time. So I can personally vouch for the 10-20 altitudes.