Maybe it’s the steep and shallow slope chisels I’ve been begging for?
@DKPuncherello Oortstone chisels or lucent chisels
A directional chisel would be nice.
Wouldn’t get your hopes up for that, ever. They’d have to remake every world and every biome, plus those two slopes would require sooo many shapes to go from the bottom of one block space to the top of another. If you stop halfway to a certain point the slope will end at a vertical ledge. Just doesn’t seem possible with spaces being one cubic meter.
A directional chisel that could also move poles and beams to the corner of blocks instead of being always in the center.
I mapped it out before, it’s really not that many
Man I’d love a machine that just auto chiseled the blocks for me and then I could place the chiseled blocks.
So basically it’d be a recipe for already chiseled blocks. Guess that’s never happening lol
yep i can imagine it being pretty simple so you could simple do the standard 2 blocks max length. it would be like cutting a slab in half along the diagonal.
Sticky pistons.
I wish something like that isn’t something companies require a college degree for.
So im going to go out on a limb here and put my 2 cents into the 2nd half of farming…
Animals for producing things you cant grow… maybe full blown Animal Husbandry which would include raising livestock for slaughter…
This would keep in line with people freaking out that a update going to kill something like hunting… and in line with games screwing me over anytime i find a easy way to do things… which is i recently started selling stuff i get from hunting.
Omg I would be SOOOOOO excited to have animal husbandry
DKMall petting zoo, here I come!
im going to guess based off the website, i think the next update will be something that is already posted… no not titans…
@xyberviri woah woah woah chill chill chill… you don’t even know how fast i can go from hibernation to hype train… dont do this to me
That moment when the devs’ silence backfires and people are now overhyped on things that are mere speculations
Monster tracking, monster breeding, zoos, titans, clothing, bashers & throwers, and lore are all on that page, so yeah, I would bet either a combat/bashers/throwers/hunters update or a monster nest/tracking/breeding/zoo update if I was going based on that features page.
There is also protectors/lore update, but I would guess that would be among the last features to be tackled before titans.
A fix for the off-center loading spinner?
Wait…it’s off center!? Noooooooo!
Once you see it you can’t unsee it
Right, time for a patented low res spoiler for ants