Let's all enjoy the new respawn rate

Thanks for everyone complaining, 30 minutes of work. (used exp pie to time it)


Absolutely fascinating. I donā€™t find this many Diamond on Serp in two hours using a max-Forged Hammer with damage and AOE + Mega Fast Brew.

I really need to look into Emeralds now.


What helped me with the new refresh rate, was I have like 4-5 mines? and with the new rate they were ALL packed instead of me having to cycle one a time while waiting on refresh rates. It should be the same with diamonds too.


Very nice strategy!

Sadly, my miner already has 30 locations saved, and I canā€™t bring myself to delete any more, so Iā€™ll have to drop some beacons for warps.

Issue is, I donā€™t think this will make the ā€œupset peopleā€ happy, it will just make the ā€œrichā€ richer. So expect more complaining.


They better get out and swing demā€™ hammers den! Complaining only puts ā€˜em further behind!.. lol


My question isā€¦ do you personally mine for these on Besevrona, or on Shedu Tier?

I live on shedu


you will be more effective on a T6 planet than t5 if you have the hammer for it because the yield is higher per block

I always get the max, of 3 per block. (That includes max luck)

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yeah t5 is 2

Yea thatā€™s just silly. Iā€™ve been sitting on probably 4-5k of each gem for the last few weeks. I havenā€™t been able to decide if I wanted to sale, craft coils, or gear. Iā€™m not the only one. The gems are going to drop to probably 350 over the next few weeks now that people realize the regen has been fixed and quit working on builds for a bit.

Who is going to complain about cheaper gems leading to cheaper gear/tools/coils/etc? The only ones who would complain there would be richies but weā€™re already rich so nothing to complain about there. You can just invest in the new ā€˜rareā€™ material and market control it until it stabilizes.

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You can do similar for topaz/sapphire on cardass and altinans I believe? I played for 30 minutes the other day and had several hundred gems.

People should start mining. The gems are a plenty. So is the ore.

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Iā€™ve mined a ridiculous amount of Sapphire and Topaz. I hadnā€™t realized Emeralds were anywhere NEAR this plentiful, however. And I need Emerald Grapples. So this is great for me. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

All the gems are available in these insane quantities. Itā€™s a matter of mapping them, which can be a pain in the rump but easy speazy once you mark the locations. Rubies were always complained about but there are insane pockets of them all over alcyon. Diamonds too. And titanium is as common as copper on tier 1s really. Shedu poops out emeralds and half as many amethyst. And topaz/sapphire got covered already.

I havenā€™t notices any difference in gems at all as far as spawns go. Once you have a full regen you should be able to pull in similar returns no matter which gem youā€™re farming. At least thatā€™s been my experience.

Youā€™re missing the part, where they changed the regen system.

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Over the course of the last few weeks, I guess you missed that as well? Itā€™s been noticeable.

Edit: the changes have been getting made, if youā€™ve been mining regularly you noticed the uptick in yields per pie/hammer. The only new revelation is we were given hard data on the regen tweaks.

I mine everyday, I sell everyday, I was talking about the system overall. I never stated a time.

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You specifically imply time by stating the new respawn rate which I noted has been changing over the last few weeks and then you argue something about system and time and you referred to this and not to that

I specifically addressed your comment by saying its silly for people to manufacture a reason to be angry over increased regen rates. I then commented on Pendragonā€™s post that he should see similar yields for all gems now that the regen rates have been tweaked, which seems to be where youā€™re pulling an argument out of I guess.

Regardless, no one should be complaining about the new regen rates. It provides cheaper gems which means cheaper tools which means a better player experience.

You guys enjoy your Halloween, I know Iā€™m about to! :wink:

Some of us, didnā€™t want cheaper gems.

Also, no one was complaining.

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