Let's all enjoy the new respawn rate

I think for topaz/sapphire you want to be 110+. That’s my rule of thumb anyways.

Hmmm I was following Useful References for altitudes

I suspect once I start using a 3x3 hammer my rate would pick up but it’s getting started with it that’s the hard part :slight_smile:

Still, that 61 total was better than my previous total when I was originally using iron hammers :smiley:

I just realised that I should have been finding topaz as well but got 0 of them :frowning:

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It still about 19 000 coin for a +/-2k hammer not that bad.

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I really recommend going to 110 the next time you decide to give it a whirl. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for ya to get some of my rng.

Ah cool. I’ll prob sell off my gems I did collect then and buy a couple and try again

19K, for what hammer is that and where, I must find one