Let's look at the efficiency of compact coal

i use soft and medium coal for experimental

calculate cost! (ignore repair)

Soft coal

basic coal
100 spark

compact coal
1200 spark

single compact coal
make cost 180 spark + material 1000 spark
1200-180= 20 spark

efficiency is 102%

bulk compact coal
make cost 1800 spark + material 8000 spark
12000-9800= 2200 spark

efficiency is 127.5%

mass compact coal
make cost 9000 spark + material 36000 spark
60000-45000= 15000 spark

efficiency is 133.3%

Medium coal

basic coal
250 spark

compact coal
3000 spark

single compact coal
make cost 180 spark + material 2500 spark
3000-2680= 320 spark

efficiency is 112.8%

bulk compact coal
make cost 1800 spark + material 20000 spark
30000-21800= 8200 spark

efficiency is 141%

mass compact coal
make cost 9000 spark + material 90000 spark
150000-99000= 51000 spark

efficiency is 156.6%

The efficiency of soft coal is not very good.
This is because the amount of sparks on soft medium hard is the same.
I think this is a problem to fix, unless it’s what the creator intended.

Hard coal

basic coal
800 spark

compact coal
9600 spark

single compact coal
make cost 180 spark + material 8000 spark
9600-8180= 1420 spark

efficiency is 117.8%

bulk compact coal
make cost 1800 spark + material 64000 spark
96000-65800= 30200 spark

efficiency is 147.2%

mass compact coal
make cost 9000 spark + material 288000 spark
480000-297000= 183000 spark

efficiency is 163.5%


This seems to be what is intended. With the increase in gain of small AND medium coal the harvesting rates have gone up considerably. This seems like one way to keep the two in check. I’m sure that we will see the devs tweak numbers as we go.

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are these numbers still accurate?

Trying to figure out if going thru the hassle of finding enough ruby’s for the 1000 Power needed is even needed?
How much more power do you get vs non compacted?

If I am honestly going thru this many hoops for 20 spark gain??? Then I feel like a fool…

I honestly feel as tho this only would make a large impact on mega shops like slys got to be honest. I could be wrong however. But i get so much coal now days that the regular uncompacted in my spark cores filled full while i sleep is more than sufficent.

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It becomes more viable for Mass Crafting and/or higher quality coal.
33% - 63% more spark is a considerable amount.

Especially considering that was 66% before the update. (But for all the coals.)

This needs to be a chart form, with graphics and stuff so I can print it off for my wall. Very useful.
