Let's talk Color rarity

The last gleambow event was, IIRC, the best gleambow event. There’s always stress over the race timers and if we had a ton of new players around relaxing them a bit might be good. They got relaxed a little too much once, and honestly it really imbalanced the event.

I was happy about it, but yeah. It wasn’t right.

There are thousands of unused augments in game. I wouldn’t stress changes at this time anyways.

Right now I’m just hoping Deep Mustard Meta soon becomes available on an Exo so I can go and mine it… I’m not very motivated to build right now as I really need that precise color…

I hate this argument, there is a significant difference between asking for the economy to be removed and removing color rarity. The economy would survive the removal of color rarity, just as it did when sovereigns were introduced. The same arguments were made that introducing sovereign planets with additional sources of resources would destroy the economy and here we are. The economy may not be as healthy as we would like, but I think that is more a factor of low player count than anything else.


When you remove the economy there is no way for players to easily exchange their items. Not everyone enjoys every activity. Like most do not forge and prefer to just buy forged tools.
This will annoy many people and likely kill the game.

You would then have to remove nearly everything. No more mining, gathering, forging and so on. Just building. In that case just go to a creative planet like Janus II which is exactly that. It is already possible to play without the economy. You can even get your very own creative playground :slight_smile:
Just a free public one is missing right now.


Exactly this. You took the words right out of my mouth with this one. Never did I say anywhere to remove economy. I said remove color scarcity. That’s two completely different things. Also, after a second read-through of this thread, the topic of the developers’ planet color algorithm; I still challenge the developers to show me this metaphorical ugly planet they are supposedly preventing from happening by not using true randomness when it comes to the color choices when a planet (Be it an exo, or sovereign, or what have you) spawns. Let’s see if the active forum community thinks this metaphorical ugly planet from true randomness is truly ugly or not.

Going to drop this here also. Sorry for the duplication but it sort of goes here too.


I love the economy as it is I think it works great. Would it be better if there were more players? Certainly. I make a good amount of coin via concrete alone to “almost” support my massive builds. I too hate this argument, but the many of the complaints around some of the mechanics in this game are around how it isn’t like Minecraft, or isn’t like Creativerse or quite a few other sandbox building game that have no economy.

For one, I personally love the game just as it is. Economy, crafting timers, color scarcity and most everything else is just fine with me.

Secondly, the point here is if you remove the economy color scarcity wouldn’t matter at all, nor would crafting timers and many other activities that people complain about when it comes to a true sandbox building game comparison which is the core of what Boundless is (sandbox builder), but not what it is in totality and I’m thankful for it as that is one of things I love about Boundless it has things other sandbox games do not.

When I first started playing I was happy to see there was a progression, a “sort of” end game in regards to special blocks and special colors to collect. I do think the color scarcity is a little extreme, but there are ways of getting the colors, but the quantity of those are quite small. Thus that creates a market for some gleams colors (RED!! DAMN YOU RED!!) costly 1k-5k per raw gleam and you know what? I pay that for some of them even though I feel at times it may not be worth it.

Boundless has hand trading. So you could still easily exchange items, but more to the point I personally do not want to remove the economy, I am pointing out all the issues people mention affect (not ruin) the economy. If Red Gleam suddenly became a “mainstream” sovereign color the people currently selling it (who might have bought it for 1k a piece) would then lose their investment in that. The same thing could be said for forging … if the RNG was removed the cost to make a tool would decrease and the ones currently in the economy that cost someone a lot more to created would then have to be marked down and sold at a loss. Does that ruin the economy? Nah, but sure as hell would not make some people happy.

Color scarcity is good, it just needs to be tweaked a bit. Some colors should just be Exo only. We have never seen Red gleam on a planet (except maybe a valentines day Exo IIRC). Why not just have Exos spawn with the rarer colors. Pretty simple fix if you ask me. White rock is a good example we have had several Exos with it spawn these past 6 months alone. I know I don’t even need any more as I farmed it for 5 days straight for at least 5-8 hrs each day. I have MANY gleam chests full of it. Red Gleam would be the same way if it spawned on a planet … as I would just sit there and farm it all day.

The other option would be the allowance of spray painting gleam and/or other blocks that we cannot presently paint. Sounds like the next update that was planned addresses that.

Would removing crafting timers, removing color scarcity, or removing the RNG from forging “ruin” the economy? No, it wouldn’t. It would change it though and the economy would adjust just like it does IRL. Inflation happens things raise in price the economy and the people adjust accordingly. The same would happen here in the game.

My main point is if you want the game to be a true sandbox building game (not saying any of you do) an economy has almost zero purpose as the economy is more of an RPG/MMORPG mechanic than it is a sandbox builder mechanic. I for one am happy to have an economy and I am “mostly” happy with the color scarcity, crafting timers and the forging, but I do feel tweaking things in order to make the larger populace happy is just fine with me.

EDIT: Just to add many people I have spoken to, felt Boundless was just a Minecraft clone when they first started playing. While I (and many others) am happy it’s not, there are many others that wish that it was more of a sandbox like Minecraft.


This would also be a good way to handle the color rarity thing. If exos only spawned with rare colors then the rarer colors would pop up more often and people would not have to wait years at a stretch to be able to obtain them. They would still be rare, just not impossible.


Wrong, color scarcity limits people’s creative capabilities. The arguments I have don’t include nor care for the economy since that’s the only counterargument people have in regards to color scarcity. Give me a valid non-economic reason it should remain.

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Economy is one of the few arguments against color scarcity. To want a non-economic reason to counter the reason to remove color scarcity in a game with an economy is similar in saying to just remove the economy and then color scarcity doesn’t matter.

Exos have little value to me, but I keep a serious eye out for every single Exo planet that spawns and I run out and scan every single one I can and I even visit, explore and map nearly all of them. With that said, there are limited reasons I go to an Exo.

  1. Goo Colors - color scarcity
  2. Gleam Colors - color scarcity
  3. Lucents - gem scarcity

Other than those 3 I could loosely throw in resin, petrolim, kindling, and combustion as I can’t get those easily either, but if the planet has no rare colors I seldom visit other than to scan and map it.

So the same could be said for all those items being scarce and guess what limiting creativity. What if you wanted to make a build out of Amber? A build using kindling as grass or using petrolim or resin as accents? Same issue.

I suppose if you want reasons:

  1. Goo and sprays may become next to pointless. Why paint a block when you can just go farm it?
  2. Exos would become pointless other than for those special T7 hunts.
  3. Because you said NOT to… I will do it anyways … it will devalue things currently highly valuable in the economy.

As I stated though, I’m ok with the color scarcity and ok with the economy as it stands. I do however sympathize with people because I do want more pure red gleam … do I need it though and does it hamper my ability to make a red base? Nah… I can use other reds for it and it’s really only limited to some blocks that I can’t paint and some plants.

Allow me to paint gleam and other blocks that you cannot currently paint I’d be ok with that.


Same. I would change a few minor things if I could but they don’t severely affect my experience so…

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Same again. Used a different shade of mustard when I couldn’t find vivid mustard gleam.

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The whole point of the creative worlds is to enable people to be as creative as they want to be. That includes building with any colors they want. One of the only differences between them and the regular worlds, like it or not, is the economy so of course that is going to be a central issue. I doubt everyone who has gathered stacks upon stacks of rare colors to build and sell with would think highly of making those colors freely available now.


Eh, I’ve seen that arguement (for want of a better word) and it’s not the most convincing. Devs can’t change things casue someone might lose their market hold…well we survived black gleam, I’m betting we can survive more :wink:


Alienating your hardcore player-base is a recipe for a game to fail. This game is already niche, low on population, and desperate for growth. Doing something that in any way discourages people from playing the game should have some significant benefits attached to it and I don’t see how giving people all the rare colors is going to be such a benefit. I’m not sure what you have against a healthy economy but it is a crucial aspect of most MMOs and shop stands are one of the pillars of gameplay in Boundless. As far as I understand it, the only argument you are providing in favor of removing color rarity is wanting to have all the rare things in a game mode specifically designed around scarcity.

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As someone who has spent 100s if not 1000s of hours collecting goo and building massive goo farms, remove colour scarcity without improving the goo to paint ratio… I would be gone, it would be a massive slap in the face.

I’m all for being able to paint anything and improving the goo to paint ratio, but unlocking every colour, in my opinion, would ruin an aspect of the game. You may as well make the whole game creative mode, which doesn’t appeal to me at all.


If the new development team implements the changes in test release 249, then the goo paint ratio is improved.

An argument could be made that the game has already failed as in its current state it has failed to attract and keep enough players for the former publisher to earn enough revenue to even pay for the servers used to run the game. I would argue that keeping the existing player base happy is probably secondary to finding a way to make the game more attractive to more players.

Color rarity already discourages some players from playing and by allowing for players to produce building materials in any color you increase the range of products that can be sold and crafted.

Wrong, the argument is that color should not be the basis for rarity in a game with building at its core. Should there be rare blocks? Yes there should and as an example I provided a picture of the glyph blocks that were available in early access. We also have materials that only occur on EXo planets making them more rare also. I would think more rare blocks that could be crafted (at great material cost) or mined or earned as a trophy or dropped from meteors would benefit the game and provide enough rare materials for the game.

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I actually wouldnt mind 1. working with goo so we get more per planting and being able to pain all the things. 2. a slightly more consistant color exo (including gleambow colors-as many people note you may only get a few pieces here or there).
Not ON the regular…a couple times a year. THen if I wanna stay awake for 24 hours staring at the screen every two minutes, at least i ahve a chance of SOME.
I wandered around this week and bought some Santa colors I can work with. As soon as I can find my mojo, Christmas is a go. But, girls jsut wanna have fun and the fact that the ony lavender gleam I have ever had is about 30 pieces from the kindess of forum posters is both heart warming and frustrating.

I see where you’re coming from but I guess the disagreement stems from how I think that rarity enhances the gameplay instead of detracting from it.

I like the idea of making goo and spray tints more accessible. Even having some of the rarest colors be a little less rare could be a good idea. Having years pass between the appearances of a certain color is a bit extreme.

I know its not lavender but Ossepiesanzar’Or (near Alcyon) has a Pale Berry gleam that I think looks quite good. I’d be happy to give you some stacks if you want to try it out.

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It’s supppper sweet of you to offer, however, at least so far, I’ve been sorta a purple snob, not ‘accepting’ substitute colors, but I’ve written the color down and if I change my snobbish ways, I’ll give it a try :wink:

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