Levels Earned vs. Hours Played

Not sure if I’m misreading or taking out of context but is there a source for a statement or patch note about a crafting XP nerf? Last I checked (more than a few weeks ago, sure, but also testing hasn’t been updated even internally for like 3 months as far as we can see?), there were no mentions of any XP gains being reduced directly.

You are correct, there is no XP gain nerf. The nerf everyone is talking about is a cubits per XP reduction for players over level 50. Some people do phrase it as “xp nerf”, though, and I have seen quite a few people mislead by it.

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A cubit nerf still somewhat nerfs the value of XP in the long run.


Thanks for the confirmation. On re-reading, I think I just misread what “both” was meant as with the rest of the context. I had ended up double-checking the notes after my post and seeing that there were no gains reductions, as you said.