Loading Shop Data

Same problem as Zjawcia - None of my wood trunks @ my Boori Mall Wood store are listed as for sale even though beacon is set to plinth requests are discoverable. Some are as cheap as 5c so it can’t be that they are filtered out due to too high/low prices, also trading plinths are set to discoverability decided by beacon setting

update my general store @ Boori Mall is still Loading shop data while my landscaping store seems to not have its items listed-is strange that in one store it searches for data and in two others it just doesn’t seem to see the items at all

this just keeps loading data, in Biitula.

I believe it might occur if you track the item on planet 1, but went through portals to planet 2, and the scanner will became loading shop data forever.

In my case I hadn’t tracked anything yet. It seems only specific worlds are having an issue like this. The majority don’t seem to be.

Am at Gyosha Mall and everything was fine but just now we’re back to “Loading shop data” …

I am getting this at Gyosha Mall as well. I figure too many shops in one area but I could be wrong. Been waiting for a few minutes and still hasn’t loaded. This is since the last update. @james (and after I wrote this I saw you were standing here too so you probably already know about this. lol)

This is happening again @ Gyosha mall. Relogged and didn’t help.

its a server-side issue, fix will be pushed once the uk office comes online


Planets that were loading shop data last night aren’t now. Planets that showed me data this morning are not now. :: sighs ::

Any news on this? Haven’t seen the scanner work on Gyosha at all :confused:

We have a potential fix. Just testing it now.


I have this bug on every planet I visit. Also now the name of the planet and beacon just says “world - off planet ?”

They’re working on it.

The off planet message is because you are tracking a location on a different planet. Open the character menu, places, locations, and remove the custom destination.

None of the three kinds of wood trunks showing up on shop scanner but sap in same store is showing up. Same problem reported earlier this thread. Problem at Boori Mall 2244N 2083E Alt 105 Port @ PS Boori, “Boori Mall”

You’re right, the trunks are not showing up at all. Thanks for the report, it’s been added to the bug database.

None of the three kinds of wood trunks, none of the three kinds of foliage, none of the 3 soils nor rocks (igneous meta sedim), basic boulders, desert sword plant, and probably lots of other items are not showing up on shop scanner. Strangely these things do show up when you go to price them in your store but have disappeared on the shop scanner Other items in same store show up both on scanner and when you go to price (storage block is ok and refined gleam is also ok as examples). Problem is at Gyosha Mall 1274 N, -796 E, 65 Alt.

Changing subjects it’s going to be great when one can filter items by color and by forged properties.

I hope they will add flowers, plants, fungus, rocks, timber, foliage, etc to the shop scanner. I figure if an item can be placed on a shop stand and sold, it should show up on the list.

These will all be fixed in the next update.

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Is that why I couldn’t see any gravel in the scanner?

Rocks and such now showing. Pity you can’t add a colour filter. Would be super handy