Location! Location! Location! <Peninsula on Septerfon>

Hi all.
I know Septerfon might not be at the top of anyone’s list for building, since it’s at the end of a hop ‘lane’ (thinking about it, that’s not a good position for any of the moons, but especially Septerfon and Andooweem, what with the portal costs)…


I found this nice and rather larger peninsula. It’s all soil, none of this ice rubbish :stuck_out_tongue: As you can see below, it’s a little hilly with some greenery.
It’s larger than the screenshot shows, but I can’t get high enough to get a good overhead shot.

If anyone is interested, I have saved the location and can can hand over a location token. Finders fee optional :wink:


Should I be on the look out for more places? I got a number of likes but no comments :stuck_out_tongue:

I feel like most people are struggling with a major shortage of plots right now so they couldn’t build even if they wanted to :stuck_out_tongue:
Finding beautiful places to build will definitely be worth it after the main release though!


Oh, yeah, that’s a good point. There’s already so many massive amazing builds, and I guess they take a shed load of plots to keep safe.

On that topic, if you have all the plots on ground level, are the ones above safe as well? From general tampering at least anyways.

People can build above or below your plots in the “Reserved” area, however they cannot beacon any plots above or below your plots… If that makes sense… Therefore world region will eventually remove anything that is built in your reserved area .

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