Location Markers / Museum of Pre 1.0 Artifacts

As part of my last build before the release of 1.0. I have created an archive where I want to store location markers for various locations in the current Boundless Universe. I have room for 400 location markers. Depending on how the developers handle the old worlds, this may not really be of any value, but in case we can someday go to the archive and pull out the location markers in order to get the coordinates of builds, I wanted to do this.

I have set up a request basket in front of my Build in Hymlenn’s Port on Solum. The build can be reach via the Portal Seekers hub network on Solum the Portal Seekers Guild Portals section of the hub. the portal is named LoadKill.

Edit: now you can find it from the same Portal Seeker hub on Solum in the Portal Seekers Guild Portals Section, but now I have my own portal (Labeled Kal-el). Thanks Portal Seekers.

Thank you.
attached is a picture of the build which you can see once you go through the portal


I also have a display on the 3rd level of artifacts from the current (pre 1.0) universe. If you have suggestions on something you think should be included, let me know.


Super cool idea!


I had a problem with Location Markers, in the end they could not recover. :confused:

i have a white gleam for ya display and maybe i can locate a glyphblock i also want a portal token that leads into the museum from the aquahub
fueled by me offcoarse

I have one portal spot left and I was hoping to have it go to Aquatopia/Aquahub. . so dm me here or on discord and we will make it happen.