Looking for a new place to call home <3

Funny thing is, we had been here for about 3-4 months and no issues.
Had a fellow new player set up near us but their build was smaller. The large amount of claimed plots almost circle their base.

I joined the forum got the help I needed for my son and more from the amazing players. Got warned about a few players… and then today our guild leader logs in and the player that was previously mentioned in warning was the one claiming plots right next to our reserved border. vov

Edit : There was also PLENTY of space everywhere in the area. They covered a large portion of where we hunt meteors near our base with claimed plots now.

Biitula Is knowm for having this kind of issues very frequently. So it actually is a good idea to move before building something bigger!

Dreyma has been playing over a year, I just joined a few months ago. No one in our group had been truly active in the community so none of us has seen the issues with the planet.

After this I went and took a look around on the forums and was shocked at how often it seems there were issues with bitula.


As community commander and animal crossing community representative I would be more than happy to help you find land on Biitula.

I appreciate the offer. We have been on Bitula this entire time, except our starting point on Kada. However, since we have already had to move twice because of this same person so we have decided to just leave Bitula in general. They built up against us both times and this was by no means accidental. They do it right up against our garden.

Our second build was also smack in the middle of a body of water giving us plenty of space to expand. It was a 22x22 Plot area with parts at least 3-4 plots high. Due to this as well as a few other things our guild leader has seen it fit to relocate elsewhere and just cut the loss.

I apologize more could not be done on biitula for you to play in peace. Unfortunately some have an unfair % of extra plots. Some use those to their advantage to push people away. If you change your mind we can try to find some land together and make sure its protected.

We are thinking of starting new cities on other planets. Pm me if youd like to hear more.

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No need to apologize, it is what it is. We are not angry or upset by any means. Little bummed due to liking our lake but what doesn’t kill us right? We just want to sit back and enjoy the game verses turf wars.

We may make a small out post to keep here.

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