Looking for a player called Grongash

On Raxxa, south of my build, there’s an island where I initially wanted to build before I settled for where I am now, which is half plotted by a guy named “Isolt”, and it’s the same deal.
Just a crafting table and 5 blocks of natural gleam, and 208 plots. Nothing else. Been here since at least January. Most likely GC-powered.

That behavior is pretty annoying, but there’s indeed no good solution against it.


One thing I think worth pointing out is that some people will beacon and area if note (ie. a tree type or mud or whatever). Sometimes, it can actually be easy to contact the person in game and figure things out with them. :slight_smile: Most people are nice. It’s unfortunately the bad apples that spoil it so to speak.

I wanted to point that out because I’ve had good dealings with such beacons in the past and I know I have a few beacons out there blazing away and I know I’d be more than willing to remove a couple (provided they ask nicely and don’t start flaming me like one guy did).

Of course, if the person isn’t willing to do anything about it like the person in the title, then it becomes a whole different story.

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Thing is he’s entitled to that land just as much as the next person. If he wants to plot stuff and not build because he like how the terrain looks then that’s within his rights to do.


I understand that, but you are considering the few over the many, and keeping things flowing will always be the better option imo. There are also ways that a player could keep their builds, even if they were overruled by a more active player, like introducing blueprints. Gleam club members could then drop their builds somewhere else when they return to the game, and the currently active players wouldn’t be hindered.

The game can’t have rules for some players and not for others though, as much as a situation might stink. Since day one the rule has been ‘plot what you are going to use. Has that mind set changed?

Either we can plot and use land how we see fit or we can’t.


If someone plots the land and keeps the beacon fueled weather by gleam Club or by dropping Beacon fuel into the beacon it is theirs. No one has a right to take it away from them no matter how much you think it would be great it’s still not the way the game was sold to us. If it was intentional trolling Maybe we really don’t know what this person’s intentions are. He might be unhappy with the game but at the same time maybe he intends to come back one day and wants to have this land even if it isn’t big worthless because everybody’s moved away from there.


This could be solved. I can’t see it not working somehow. There’s always a solution where there’s a willingness. I vote solution. Snowball has been tossed into the lava field. Now is waiting. :upside_down_face:


There’s nothing to be solved. The player in question either as re logging in and fueling their Beacon or else they are paying their gleam Club membership. As far as I know this player is only expressed an unhappiness with the game but is not purposely griefing anyone. You may not like it and maybe on some levels I even agree with you but the fact is under the current information this player is not doing anything wrong and therefore nothing will be done to them and their lands.


We should agree to disagree at this point. I see a problem, other folks here don’t. :v:

Oh people do see a problem, for sure.

But the solution would be an even bigger problem.
If there’s a way for you to take land from someone who claimed it, just because you think (with good reasons or not) that it’s not used to its full potential, then it’s gonna be abused.
It’s as simple as that.

The only solution I see would be a way to be able to send someone a message which would be pinged by e-mail or something… for those cases where the owner of a beacon is just not playing.

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I am not familiar with this case, though from what I have read this sounds more like a case of grieving. Guess it does not matter what one player does with his plots once the universe expands to 10 times the planets we have now. Here’s hoping for a bright future for this game~

I disagree I am considering every player getting the same protections over a few players or one player deciding they do not like a build that is next to them, or deciding for another player that it is abandoned. But in any case, If players thing they are being harassed or griefed then they should report it to the developers.

Any system that allows other players to essentially control the actions of other players is a bad path to take in my opinion.


I’ll agree, in this case it kind-of does sound like a griefer.
Especially if it’s without actually developing the space at all over a huge amount of time, (as in nowhere at all anywhere, not just the one spot). It sounds way too odd at least in this case, if they’re just doing nothing, but paying to have the land claimed.

Do we know that this isn’t just an alt, by any chance? If it’s a user who’s using the biggest fuels, I’d argue that wouldn’t be easy for a player with nothing built to get.

I’m pretty sure this would go against the rules of “Don’t abuse plots by placing them with intent to block people off on purpose.” etc.

Sorry for opening this old wound. I don’t think it’s a case of griefing, he’s well within his rights to keep the plots as from what I can tell he beat everyone else too it and we’ve all built around it. The annoyance cones from the fact that there all around key areas, hubs etc and they they been started but not finished so lots of holes etc. I choose to build by him hoping it would be finished. From what I can tell he’s not blocked anyone so maybe we should just work around it as a community. My example is, he owns an L shape around the lamblis Ultima gate, if anyone of the Ultima crew want to alter that area I own a massive area behind it and would be willing to give those plots up or share build rights etc. Anyone else got any offers of help and want to sound off? Let’s not turn into a witch hunt. If he did plot these areas hoping to benefit later let’s make it less valubale


Thank you for shedding some light. Yea if he was there first then its not grieving.

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Rereading this line, I feel it’s come across abit harsh, I meant more a long the lines let’s make it more valuable to us now, instead of waiting

But the system is set up so that players can be hindered by the actions of others. This IS a form of control. Yes it would be griefing at the point where it becomes a control issue, but that’s exactly why I believe there should be counters to it built into the game.

Maybe I don’t have the perfect idea for how to fix it, but there must be something that could be done to make things run a bit more smoothly for everyone.

he wasnt that was the problem. Steggs (former dev) sorted this for me with him and he had to unplot. cause we were there first. and he plotted like mad man blocking us. thankfully he was did removed some of those plots.


Thank you, that sheds some light on things. Definitely explains stuff too.