Does anyone know a player named artiss? They have 1 singular beacon just chilling in the desert nothing built on it and it’s right near my pathway if I keep going I will inadvertently box them in. . . Which as we know is a no no
It’s literally 19 prestige so there’s a beacon no extra plots or anything
Just hoping to sweetly encourage them to move it or pick it up or whatever they plan to do or maybe give them a bunch of coins to move it lol idk I just would prefer not to get in trouble over it
they also have a single beacon squarely in the middle of a doorway to a build on Storis. So if they see this, the owner they are in front of would like to know what they plan on doing
maybe someone beacon way to farm beans around?
it remind me old days when players beacon lamella trails at Bese, there were dozens of farmers beacons to easy port to farm spot
or check if there is any settlement around? maybe someone reserving area cheapest way, without spending plots