Looking for amazing shop owners to put a shop in our shopping district

Hi everyone! So I’m working on a shopping district and need some consistent and reliable shop owners in my district. This city is drama free with eachother and plans to stay that way. Point being I won’t rage quit nor pull my plots. Your build is safe here! I just put up a portal to the district from our alder hub here. ( Alder 1,019 N 1591E alt. 73) I’m doing more work to the roads, lighting and guidance soon! Love you guys and would love to see some beautiful shops by all of you talented players. Thanks and much love. :heart:

You can get to us via our hunting lodge on circ , Dk’s tree , PS bittula upper east side , TNT second floor south side.


Any restrictions in size or shape?

plot size?

I’m trying to keep them 3 plots high restriction. 2x2.