Looking for forged golden fists

Dont get me wrong I am a fists fan boy but a gem/lucent gem bow specially well forge is no match… I gotta say I put my gold fists away…

Grapple mastery and damage are your “go to” skills. (A damage epic skill is always a plus)

I agree, fists are so simple but the complexity of bows is what makes them so insanely good. They have their own special skills, augments, elemental traits, AOE capabilities… Crazy.

lol totally understandable. My forger also prefers bows.

I just prefer my fists, it works perfectly with my hunting style. The bows aren’t my thing. I don’t like dealing with projectile weights, angles, augments, etc. I just wanna keel and smash everything to smithereens. It’s the next best thing to melee.

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Yeah I always forge mine as machine guns
