Looking for gem chisel

Looking for chisel that changes compact gems into different ones.

Hey man i have one im not looking to sell, but i part with it for 25k if you cant find one

Hey I can make you one no problem! Hit me.up on discord Teoryy or in game Te’o Biitula CoilTech

I am also looking for one! Is someone still available to sell or make?

Can make one when I’m online tonight. Won’t be for another few hours.

What’s your price?

Will do it for 15K

Right on, heading to work soon - can I meet you tomorrow for it?

No worries, I will be about, although later. I’m raiding on wow till 11pm UK time, might be able to duck out to do the trade real quick though.

Other then that I’m about more or less all day on Wednesday.

I will eventually be setting up a shop for forged goodies like this.

You have one made already?

Just need to forge it, Unless you want my old slightly used one, can have it done in a few minutes though, depending on what the cooldown is.

I can meet you in a few, but have to leave it n the next 20 min for work - can it be done before then?

Let’s see what the cooldown is

1 hour cooldown on that one i’m afraid.

Comes free with loot magnet 3 and +2000 durability though.

Right on! So then I’ll meet you tomorrow :slight_smile: I’ll message you sometime and we’ll appoint a time and place to meet - thanks!

Here to serve :slight_smile: Just give me a shout


Hey don’t know if you’re up and on, but I am so i figured I would check - let me know. If not we can meet up tonight

Yeah it will be tonight, I’m in work now until 7:30pm (UK time) I go straight into a raid but can most likely meet you quickly between pulls.

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