Looking for inspiration. Coil setups

Moving to a new location used to run 3 machines close to each other with full coils on one but looking to make a new coil setup any ideas? Or show off ur setups

If you are planning to expand so that you will have more machines, you could try setup where you don’t max all machine coils. I have been using 9 coil setup for items that I can set full queue for day or two.

These sort of 9 coil setups can be really good if you for example much bricks or extract fossils. And that machines are near each other :slight_smile:

I really don’t see purpose to run every machine with max coil setup. To me it saves my energy and spanner to leave some machines run on lower coil amount :slight_smile:

Front of my old 9 coil setup with storages


After game got spanner (connected coils repairing) update it finally possible to hide coils below ground
I did make new setup that has 10 coils.


Below where I don’t need to visit.

Along with these non maxed coil setups I have normal blocky 24 coils on use for certain crafting operations.


Don’t mind if I do!

After I moved out of my cave I finished my first workshop build in january.

42 machines with 10 coils each, very compact and I’ve been using it ever since:

Today I did my first crafting in my new space. I’ve been working on nothing else for basically three weeks now.

A much larger number of machines, all fully coiled and with a shared spark system of roughly 133 million spark capacity that’s available to all the machines.

You do not even want to know what the basement looks like in this place :rofl:

Bonus Bling:

If that was a gif it would probably need a seizure warning.

The machines over at the new forging area are a little more spread out:

Well, most of them are…

The factory was shoved into a building that was originally built for something else. The forge was a little more specifically built so the basement is a lot nicer.

Ah well. I’ve basically stopped all hunting mining and gathering for several weeks now and done nothing but build and decorate.

There’s some stuff going on that’s unrelated to machine rooms but since I literally just started moving into the new factory today it was perfect timing for someone to make a “show off your workshop” thread!



Wow that’s a really nice setup how do u get the fully coiled up machines so close


Dk ur great I would totally copy u. But that’s alot of work lol and I dont have that many coils lol.

How do u guys build the same machine so close to the other?

For same machine I believe you have to have atleast one block gap between them.
So if coming up from floor or laid out horizontally in a wall you can do a diagonal cross arrangement too.

Would be great to know how many machines you want to set up and what you want to use them for, can give you some tailored guidance.

old workshop (though still in use…)

new workshop (wip!)

nice and simple up top

24 coils to each machine, hidden below (with some standalone machines in background)

That’s the setup I’m basically doing now u still get 24 on each the the storage right there

Ur old workshop 24 coils each?

old one was 14-15 each

Sorry i went to bed after that
post :slight_smile:

The machines are 4 tall so if you inset them you can put 3 stacks of 4 coils on each side. This leaves a 2 block gap between them and the machines only require 1.

Nice to see someone else who doesn’t like to show the “pump” machine segment.

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