Looking for inspiration on a white + teal castle build or a white + blue build

I live on Biitula and looking to build a castle that’s either white + teal or white + Biitula blue.

Anyone seen builds or color schemes in the past that might offer inspiration?

Also, where can I find teal and white blocks? I haven’t played in a couple years so my memory could use some help.


If that could be chiseled to that level I’ll never play another game


Hahaha - Karl be acting like he plays other games :stuck_out_tongue:

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I play ratchet and clank, fall guys, knack ect ow wait no that’s my son when he steels my controller.


Googled ‘white teal inspiration castle’
Third one in.
Nice site

Sorry, I meant existing ingame builds. Not a 3rd party site

Preface: I’m not the one to look at builds for inspiration. :grimacing:

White is harder to find - but I build mostly in turquoise, blue, white and metals. I try to go on the exos that offer white rock, buy from stores or people in game have just been truly generous (because I’m obsessed and they’re all enablers :grin:).

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Yea I know @Nightstar usually (at least when I was active a year ago) has a ton of different white blocks. Dunno if he’s kept up with it tho. Can’t tell you how much I’ve bought from him

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