Looking for little bases/settlements on various planets [Imoco & sochaltin needed]

Rubbish quality but the mini hub is just about done :slight_smile: turned out kind of cute. Will collect tokens next time I’m online I have to come off now


Looking lovely!


Thanks :blush:

Are you on Arie now seen you about a lot there? :grin:

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I love those logs for steps. Your hub looks gorgeous. :+1:

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Heyyy I’ve always been on Arie :slight_smile: I’ve just been living quietly in the woods haha

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Okay I forgot all about Refgar!

Any Refgarians interested? :laughing:

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I still live on Refgar

:laughing: sorry I missed that!
But you’re taking Imoco? You can have either or both if no one else wants it :slight_smile:

I’m working on a big future settlement centerpiece, if you need something from Dzassak.
I’m linked to the TNT network already from there, so connections are a breeze.

It’s the “Hallownest” portal in the Dzassak mini hub linked to from TNT.

…mind your step if you go, though.

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What is the other one?

You’re confusing me :eyes: lol
Im opening a portal to your place on Imoco aren’t I? But you can be my Refgar link too if you want? Or just Refgar if you prefer I don’t mind :slight_smile:

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yea its good.

you just said

which made me think you where talking about more that one planet ^^

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Ohh I see I see, I’m being the confusing one :stuck_out_tongue:

should I come to you and get a token or are you still working on the areas?

I’m at work rn, I’ll be online in 4 n a half hours and counting :mantelpiece_clock: online all night from then on

And either way, you can come to me if you’re online then or I will come meet you wherever :slight_smile:
The hubs done enough to get the portals set up, the whole area is a WIP still but it’s getting there

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I’m on my way to a 24h shift in 15 mins, I’ll leave a portal token for you at my base meanwhile. Or you could drop a basket by the hub and I’ll come add my token in the morning :crazy_face:

Either way, you can leave me one and pm me directions if you’d like :slight_smile: if not ill set the basket up once I’m on

I left one at the location marker location, in front of the target portal for your inspection :+1:

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Perfect :slight_smile: