Looking for my sovereign world to appear [RESOLVED]

Redeem code reads valid but wont redeem. is there a hold on sovereign planets?
Id like to get on there and run.

Appreciate any help. Thanks

Hello! You get an email with a link to create your private planet (sovereign), after you filled in the Google form and send it, it takes at max 24 hours for your planet to appear, you DO NOT need to enter the code into the game redeem area when you buy a private planet. this is only for sovereign planet fuel

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i have done the configure thru that email and now i am waiting.
Pretty sure its been over 24 hours because i bought it over the weekend on a whim.
Ill keep waiting i guess.


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For any concerns you can always send a support email to support@playboundless.com

Have you checked in-game in your places / worlds ?

just checked worlds and apparently its there. sorry to bother anyone. im thinking it just showed up. pretty sure it hasnt been there.

thanks all