@cosmiccori sorry I cant work out how to message on the forums. Cant find where you are currently based and I assume it is your planet.
1 blink sec off of Refgar
Aww hello samski ,i just found your messsge.Yes hope 4 humanity t1 sovereign is mine and its public.You can use my portal called cosmiccori in dragon lairs hub now as just re fueled it .The portal leads to my cosmicvibrations city hub and in the centre of my portal hub is the sovereign portal up those stairs.Also you can visit my sovereign through my shop in arie at river towns .Theb i have a portal at river town hub that is calked ruby land of oz whuch when you go through it you will find right next to it another portal going to my sovereign.If any time my portals are closed because i may be doing my projevts on earth then you can warp from arie or regfer planets as there the closest.I try to keep my portals open but as im on my own it takes longer especially if i wanna build stuff.sorry if im late in replying i dont come on the forums much so lucky i just came here.Have a great time on boundless.I have a shimmering orb farm thats open and a few more portals ie savanah dessert for spicy beans and ash farm.Also just been building my orb shop theres a portal there too.Hope info helps bye for now