Looking for T3 1-shot speedy hammers (solved by self forge! thanks for the assistance)

(didn’t read the title xd)

glad you solved it! :slight_smile:

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I’ll still check yours out though (and your other tools) as they are what I was looking for and a good price compared to most that I’m seeing!

Cheers :+1:

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Um, where is it?! :grinning:

Topas with Speed 9 ?

Should be 7 or 8 Not be enough?

Then with skilled Hammer you are over 100 and 110 Speed …

Or what is the maximum speed the Game takes ?

Total speed including skills etc would be 120 for max hits per second, anything more does nothing extra, but less reduces the hits per second.

It was discussed in this thread:

Essentially it means if you can get the tool speed to 80+ (not including skills) then have max skills (+40) that should top it out, without having to use speed brews.

You can see the hits per second never goes above 8.2, but the drop off at 119 or under is to max 5.3, which is quite sharp when you are used to the upper limit!

I should really test the 38 speed numbers as well, or does somebody know if 38 matches the 35 or 40 plot?

Is 38 a number that you can actually hit with a tool (I assume so and that’s why your considering testing!)

Amethyst and topaz base speed is 38, so yes :slight_smile:

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So it is :neutral_face:

38 fits the 40 plot after some quick tests :slight_smile:

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To get to EZPZ I always use the TNT megahub portal just above the " Malls and Markets" sign. It is located on Maryx. They also have a shop in DK mall (Tana VI) in either the first or second row from the portals, same lane as gleam universe but across the street.

After you find their shop once you can check out the plethora of portals they have set up to the major networks and decided which route best gets you there :blush:

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I have a portal to TNT on xa frant, should should be able to find my way, cheers!

Forge + 35 is which lvl ?

I’m pretty sure it’s +5 for each level, (10 is +50!), so that would be level 7 for +35

OK then ITS Topas + 35 has 113 and +40 is 118

I think that should Work too ITS very Close to the Cap and to get +45 IT IS more difficult

You are correct, it is close to the 120.

However, at 120+ you get 8.2 hits per second, under that (118 for example) it is 5.3 hits per second and you can really tell the difference, and it stays at 5.3 hits per second down to speed 80 or 85 I think.

Its not an even drop off, it goes in chunks.

I’d have to try it out, but I’m pretty sure topaz plus speed level 2 (speed 88 total) would give you the same hits per second as topaz plus speed level 8 (speed 118 total), assuming no use of speed brews!

@Mayumichi might be able to explain better, or correct me if I’m wrong!


114 action speed will be 5.3 hits per second
116 action speed will be 8.2 hits per second


OK, cool. That is good to know.

Cos the data in the original post you put together went up in 5 increments, I didn’t really think about if there was a cut off in between!

At least that means I can go for one level down with busy bee on topaz hammers.

Thanks :+1:

Have you tried 115 at all, ie sapphire +speed level 9?

Yup I didn’t figure out the exact cutoff points in the original data, the goal then was to figure out if megafast’s x2 effect comes after or before the forge effect :sweat_smile: The byproduct was the realization that action speeds go in chunks. There should really be a complete table made one day for 1 action speed increments, but the testing server isn’t up right now :frowning:

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Done a Test and used +118 without a brew and got the same amount of Blocks in 15 minutes using a mega fast brew so +118 is defintly enough !!!

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