Looking to buy Cold Tan Spray

I’m looking to buy 4 ss of cold tan spray or any amount you may have. My psn is xloreleii and my discord is Lorelie#5783 just send me a message. Thanks in advance!


Can I ask what you need it for?

On the same page as @AeneaGames here. Quite curious too as cold tans pretty common in rock etc

Well, it’s not pretty common, been available exactly once on an exo, but I got a ton of rocks from there…

Simply because I had wasted several days before that exo appeared to use spray paints to make concrete in cold tan and once I had almost enough that exo appeared, so I went a tad nuts on there just in case :slight_smile:


Thought cold tan was perm world rock from one of the T6- either houch or kol huroo…

Nope, Kol has Cold Tan gleam tho (so it’s easy to mutate goo to it from white and the other lighter colours since the gleam is plentiful).

Huh, I was mistaken about it not being there before, it appeared as sedi rock 3 times on a Blink exo, once as gravel and once as sand too, all Blink exo’s.

And of course gleam, ice, glacier, foliage, etc. too, also on Blink exo’s…

How predictable is that, hehe

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Needing marble without all the time of crafting

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I have a little cold tan spray at mine on angel 1. But someone bought me out the other day of cold tan. So only like 200 or something in stock.

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I have few hundreds at Gloviathosa Market, for 49c a piece.

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Added 496 cold tan spray to my stand on angel 1

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ty on my way


To paint things. Lol

What’s the going rate for Cold Tan spray? I have a decent stock of these kernels and a few hundred pigments I could make up for you, just curious what they’re worth.

Added 248 cold tan sprays to my shop. @shortyd856

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I have been buying them at about 30c each

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