I’d prefer to make these myself, but I’ll also buy them if the price is right. I picked up a few of these from, I think, @nevir and I now wish I had bought an additional three or more.
I have some metal chisels that do the same thing, but while it’s nice that they don’t use an extra inventory slot, I keep using them by accident.
So, two questions.
Can someone give me a step by step on how I would forge these? This would be my first effort at using the forge.
Anyone selling these for under 2K? I think nevir was selling them for 1100, but that price was a great deal. If you are willing to match that, I wont complain.
Check the forge boons post thatçs saved on here. It’ll tell you what effect categories to target. Use gums to do that. Should be fairly easy
Edit: You may also want to check out Jiivita’s videos on using the forge. There’s on that totally breaks it down and he even shows it. Very helpful stuff.
The problem is they have zero base flexibility, so even a full spec forger and full coils gets around 50% effectiveness. This means it takes twice as many boon points to level up a boon… stability and stamina are limited, and the resource cost is doubled - so its expensive to make a good one and often you run out of rounds before you have the tool you want
On second thought, I’m making it a stone spanner. Little chance of you accidentally spannering something on a hunt now is there… will still make it bright